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356 RECORDS OF ELGIN. [1646.
May 27th. — At Spiny. The thrie ministers, Mr. Thomas Law, Mr.
Robert Inne.s, Mr. Robert Tarres, quho liued in the garrison of Spinie
that half yeir of the publilc persecution did give in ane greivance on the
laird of Ballandolach.
June 1 8th. — The laird of Ballindalloch compeired and confessed his
passion over-rouled him. He promised never to do the lyk.
August 20th. — At Elgin. No exercise in respect of the multitud of
souldiers in the toun hindring the exercise that day.
October 1st. — At Elgin. The moderator and wholl brethren mett
but could not hav any saiff meeting for doing their affaires be reason off
som eminent danger be the incoming of Lues Gordon and his troupes
to Elgin.
October 29th. — The complyers referred to the next day because off
the present trubles and almost weeklie incursion of Lues Gordon and
his associatts.
November 12th. — Margret Murray, parissioner off Spyny, and Janet
Cuj, parissioner off Elgin, accused of witchcraft.
The ministers of Elgin reported that Alexander Woodward,
parishioner in Spyny, compeered befor the Session off Elgin desyring
baptism to ane child in the name of the mother, Jean Woodward, who
affirmed the child to hav bein begottin within the parish of Elgin be
Lues Gordon, sonne to the Marquis off Huntley. The presbitrie
ordaines the ministers off Elgin to baptis the child, having first taken
surtie off the woman for compeiring before ther session to declair who is
the father off the child.
November 26th. — The brethren appointed for the trial of Margret
Murray and Janat Cuj reported these two had compeired and that they
had receaved nine or ten points off delation off magicall practises
against Janat Cuj: — (i) Be her means Jannet Anderson in Elgin was
deprived off her speach for the space of 15 dayes and not throghlie
delyvered as yet; (2) that she should hav mad Jhon Purs in Elgin for the
space of nine weeks unabl to retain any meatt on his stomach and for the
on half day to sweatt and the other half to trembl, and did never
recover untill he bled her with a tree and imediatlie therefter recovered
his health ; (3) that she sould have mad Elen Chalmber in Elgin, spous
to umquhill William Tarras, for the space of three quarters off a year
unabl to walk and hav her wholl skin excoriatt and when the said

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