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268 RECORDS OF ELGIN. [1649.
November 13th. — Sckollars scats to be keipt. — The Sessioun ordaines
that none sit in the Gramer School seats till the scollars be first serued.
November i6th. — Hossak for break of Sabboth. — Janet Hossak
confessed grinding come on the qweirne on the Lords day. The
Sessioun ordaines hir to the pillar foot the nixt Lords day and confes
hir fait in face of congrcgatioune.
Janet Forsyth is ordained to stay in ward till the visitatione of the
kirk. Robert Hardie and Alexander Urquhart to go with hir to the
Chanrie kirk to sie where scho had buried hir bairne.
November i8th. — The visitatione of the kirk to be on Wednesday
nixt and the people to resort to the kirk as they doe on the Lords day
and especialie the elders.
Intimatioune was made that these that lies bairnes to be baptized
com to the kirk befor preaching or lectour begin or else to want the
benefeit at that tyme and to be censured at the will of the sessioun.
These late wnlawfull engagers haueing supplicate the presbitrie was
receiued and efter subscryued the league and covenant, Alex^. Gibsone
sone laufull to Ale.x''. Gibsone shereff deput, Alex''. Burnet sone laufull
to wmquhill Alex''. Burnet merchand burges of Elgin.
November 19th. — Summa of penalties collected since 12 Aprill 1648
till this instant £2(^g 5s. 8d. Collected for the poor i^47i 8s. 4d. since
12 Aprill 1648.
November 23rd. — Man reffered. — Androw Man being sumoned for
alleadged break of Sabboth in bigging a stak one the Lords day and
alleadged idolatrie in setting up a stane and wseing some superstitious
ceremonies to it as taking of his bonat to it, he denyed the break of
Sabboth bot he confessed he set up that stone to be a march betuixt his
neighbours land and his, bot he deneyed any worschip or ceremonies
used be him to it and offered his oath. He is reffered till farther tryall.
November 25th. — Witnesses against Androiv Man. — Compeired
William Man [and four others]. They said they knew nothing of him
bot that he set up that stone and sometymes when he went by it he
took of his bonat, bot they knew not whither it was to the stone or not.
The Session ordaines John Gordon and Androw Brander, elders, with
four honest men, to go the morne and see him break it all in peaces.
November 27th. — The witnesses reported that Androw Man brak
the stone in peices.

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