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122 RECORDS OF ELGIN. [1604.
February 7th. — Satirdaye to be keipit a day of fast all the daye.
February loth. — The morne to be keipit as a fastand day and all
publict warkis to ceis.
February nth. — Geyierall Act. — Memorandum that it is ordanit the
partie breaker of the promeis of mariag sail mak publict repentance for
deluding the kirk.
February 1 2th. — The young gudmane of Achannachie, auld Dunbeith,
Henre Sinclair his sone communicat this daye.
February 14th. — The minister desyris the magistrattis to hald hand
to the Tuisdayis preaching. The stranger puirfolk to be removit be the
sound off the hand bell and the townis puir to hald them out.
February 17th. — Tuentie merkis to be distributit to the puir be owir
sicht off Johne Leslie and Thomas Mill younger.
February 24th. — Sondaye eftirnone to speik anent the Tuisdayis
February 28th. — Cadgearis. — The bailleis and elderis to travell with
the cadgearis quhat howris thai will keipe and that they bring nocht in
thair fische befoir the sermoun on Tuysday nor sell quhill it be endit.
The masteris of housis and sick utheris as is not earnestlie occupeit
and the warkis to be poyndit for byding awaye fra the Tuysdayis
preaching and specialie that ewine the principall of the towne be
poyndit as they be found refractor. The minister to keip the glass and
no farder on the Tuisdayis preaching. Cristane Forbes, Isobel Mowat
for bringing burne on Sondaye to pay 6s. 8d. ilk ane.
March 2nd. — Elspet Haye to pay 40d. for bringing in burne on
Sonday last.
March 6th. — Mortimer with the elderis. — It is agreit betuix the
minister and elderis on the ane part and William Mortimer glasinwrycht
on the uther part for uphalding of the kirk vindois in glass and lead
yeirlie sufficientlie that he sail haiwe fouir libs, money at tua termis in
the yeir Witsondaye and Mertimes in winter of all hurtis and elestis and
giff anie bodie brekis them to be puneist be the law eftir tryall befoir
the magistrattis, the Sessioun fynding lyme and bandis.
March nth. — That day Mr. Jhone Innes efter Robert Lesley rais set
him selff under the pulpeit and pressit till haiff preachit and begane the
prayer till he was stayit quhilk presumptione referris to the presbitrie.
Jhone Cogiell foir clatering on the Sabbothe daye was poyndit.

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