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ernestlie requestit to caus the same spirituall seall be ministred unto
him seing that he beleued to be saued throche the blude of the sauiour
and mediatour Chryst Jesus and haid perquer and wald confes the soum
of the Christiane faith quhilk he did and thairfoir and inrespect thairof
causit Robert Leslie, minister at Birney, to bapteis him instanthe at thair
dissoluing quho ves bapteizit Johnne.
Comperit Johne Grant off Carren in presens of Mr. Alex"^. Douglas
James Fatrie and Robert Sutherland bailyeis William Douglas [and
seven others] and thair contempteouslie refusit to sueir to subscryve and
communicat bot said he vas bettir resoluit nor any minister in Scotland.
September 4th. — Helen Leslie and Helen Hay, for deforcing the
officiar, to be poindit and wairdit.
John Cokburn reprovit for balding the Bischopmiln grindand on the
Sabboth dayis ansuerit that he did no utherwayis then nychtbouris did.
Tarres. — William Tarres forbiddin to custome the doing of business
on the Sabboth.
September 9th. — Searcharis. — Becaus my Lord Fyvie, president of
Scotland, provest of this burgh, is to be present on Sonday, thairfoir
the searcharis to be the mair tymous and dilligent and to that purpois
Thomas Mill, William Torrie, John Robertsoun to avait on the vest part
and James Leslie, John Bonyman and Alexander Innes for the eist to
convein at aucht houris in the mornyng.
September nth. — Alues. — The searcharis declairit that George
Brodeis wyff deforcit and that they apprehendit John a Consciens
passing throch the calsaye with thrie scheip skynnis. Further Margat
Scheues, spous to William Cuming, dishanter of the kirk. Androw
Edie was fra the kirk the last bell. Agnes Alues haid dyvers drinkand
in the hous at the last bell.
September 13th. — Christen Forbes inhibit to lat any folkis remane
in the hous to drink quhen scho is in the kirk. James Cuming bittirlie
spokin for being out of the kirk on Sonday and for nocht lerning the
articles of the crede.
September i6th. — Hay. — The elderschipe comandis to charge Agnes
Alues to waird for breking of arreistment. Siclyk Helen Hay for
injureing the officiar and deforcing Alexander Mill, ofificiar, and for hir
contumacie sail pay halff merk and gif scho dois the lyk sail mak hir
publict repentans and pay 40s.

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