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sermone and finding iiir selff disposit to prayc went for solitarnes cans
to the Clianonrie kirk to praye thair quhilk scho hes promesit heirefter
to forbeir and to hant this kirk the tymes of preaching and prayeris.
April 1 2th. — Mr. Alexander Douglas pronuncit the sentence of ex-
communicatioun vpon William Leslie of Connrug apostate.
April 17th. — John Pattoun, wobster, gif he beis deprehendit heireftir
playing at the cheaw, sail be puneist at the Croce and in the meantyme
is committit to waird with James Ker for being absent fra the kirk last
Folks in Lmigviorganc. — Comperit Alexander Hepburne, Johnne
Culbak, Cristen Rannold, spous to Henrie Badyenoch, all theis personis
publictlie suorne that they hurt neuir any persone by witchcraft or
sorcerie, neither sail they do in tymes cuming and hes suorne that they
knavv nocht quhat it is. They haif all promeist to hant the kirk on the
Sabboth dayes.
April 19th. — Banyeocli : Philp. — Comperit Jonnet Philpe in Lang-
morgan and maid hir aith that scho did not hurt hir nychtbouris by
witchcraft neither yit suld scho do the samyn. Henry Badyenoch maid
his faith in lyk manner. Baith haiff promeist to heir the sermonis on
the Lords day.
April 22nd. — General act. — [Persons profaning the Sabbath at games
and pastimes for the first fault to pay los., to ward within the Steeple 48
hours and then make their public repentance on the pillar] ; quhilk act is
ordanit to be put in executioun and practeis on the persones of Thomas
Makean and William Sutherland saidler for passing the tyme at the
ailay bowlis on Sonday the tyme of sermone.
May loth. — Promeis. — The bailies, elderis and consale hes promeist
to convene the morne at the prayeris to put furth the stranger beggaris
that ar presently within the toun.
May 17th. — Arther. — Comperit ane boy of threttein yeir auld quhois
surname is Arthour quho remanis yit onbapteist and desyris the benefit
of the sacrament of baptisme to be ministrat to him, quhairwith the
elderis aggreis provyding that he tak paynis to lerne the articles of the
faith and thairefter to be bapteized.
May 19th. — Bairnis playand in the kirk. — Margaret Lumsden
reprovit for having a barne playand in the kirk the tyme of the sermone
quho hes promeist nocht to haif the lyke. Agnes Riach promeist the lyk.

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