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dischargis him to do lyke vvnder the saidis paynis quhilk warning and
command he acceptit and thair confessit his offence to the Scssioun and
repentit and declaritt that any sick thing haid fallin furth throuch his
ouersight and thair promeist before them that he suld never suffer the
lyk to be done and committit be him selff and his discuples in t\-mes
June 1st. — The bailleis and elderis sail convein the morne to the
mornyng to baneiss the stranger beggaris. Gif the cutlar ressaves his
dauchter that is baneist he salbe lykvaycs baneist, his wyffe and his
sone also.
June 6th. — A fast appointit for Sondaye cum aucht dayes.
June 13th. — Compciritt Thomas Innes persone of Bonnache quho ves
accusit for contempning the vorde and dishanting his paroche kirk. The
said Thomas ansuerit that he might nocht nather valde he repair to the
hairing of the vorde in the paroche kirk of Elgin be ressone he haid the
laird his maister to avait on quho ves a pariochinar of the kirk of
Wrquhart to the quhilk he ves demandit be the said laird to convoy him
ilk Sondaye. Siclyk ves speirit at the said Thomas Innes quhy he
abstenit thir tuo yeiris fra the Communioun, ansuerit that he culd not
receive the Communion becaus his tuo brother lyves vver socht with the
persewaris quhairof he ves so displeased, quhilk ressone wes comptit
friuolous be ressone it ves onlie the Kingis law that ves socht to be
obtemperit and to be executt upone thame quha ver convict of slauchter,
nochttheles the minister requestit him to communicat quho refusit and
thair in jugement said plainlie that the minister dealt onlie with him of
meir malice and hathrent he buir agane him and the rest of the name of
Innes intending therby to truble him, and said that he ves not the first
Innes that the minister haid vraikitt and ane in speciall quhilk ves Mr.
Johne Innes, quherupone the minister requestit act of assemblie that he
haid vniustlie slanderitt him and protestit for remeid. The said Thomas
ansuerit that he regairdit nocht quhat he protestit nather quhat he
proceidit on Sonday or Monundaye aganis him, and forther the said
Thomas constantlie affermit that na ecclesiastick disciplin haid power to
censure George Kay to put him in the stoicks.
June 2/th.— Va/ki>ig: — For the halding the peopill valking the tym
of preaching it is appointed that ilk ane valkin another and gif that
availlis nocht a law thairefter salbe sett doun be advyse.

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