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1 598-] THE CHURCH : KU<K SESSION'. 69
publict repentans and specialie all conucntioun of womenkynd is
forbiddin and inhibit under the saidis paynis and publict repentans.
December 15th. — Andro Stalker goldsmyth and Margaret Kynloche
lauchfull dauchter of Williame Kynloche chirurgien haiff ratefeit ane
promeis of mariage and the said Andro hes sett James Douglas of
Schuittinaikeris cautioner for him.
Catecheising. — Catecheising appoyntit nychtlie fra Monundaye and
Monunday at evin to be the first nycht of thair beginning, and ilk
elderis part to cum in nychtlie wnder the paynis of tua schillings and
gif thai disobey to be poyndit thairfoir. The elder of ilk parishe sail sie
thair partis warnit and putt furth and themselues to cum vith thair per-
rochionaris at four houres ilk nycht as thai salbe varnit.
Nycht walking and guysing forbiddin ; drawing of stuillis and raippis
the tyme of frost and ise forbiddin.
December 22nd. — Anent the qiicir. — Williame Gibsoun Jhonne
Gordoun Thomas Hay and Alexander Pringill ar electit be the minister
and elderis present taxmen for laying of the taxatioun for the reparatioun
of the queir of the perroche kirk of Elgin becum ruynous for laick of
helpe quhilk the wmquhyle Bishoppis of Murray wer in vsc to beit and
repair, and hes layed and stentit the sowme of aucht hundrcth merks for
repairing thairof in theck ruiff vallis vindois glais windois and pleneishing
the samyne as affeiris to be vpliftit of the fruictis of the bischoprick of
Murray and lordschipe of Spynie of the fewmaillis tcj.nd victuallis
fruictis proventis and emolumentis of this instant crope and zeir of God
1598 zeiris of the quhilkis fruictis the said queir wes wount lo be wphaldin
beitit and repairit as the necessitie thairof requyred.
December 30th. — John Sampsoun and James Cruik accusit for
dansing and guising ondir nycht in divers houses culd m.t deny bot they
dansit albeit not dammaskit nor disguysit. Appointit to stand on Sonday
nixt in thair awin seattis and confess thair offences. George Kay accusit
for dansing and guysing ondir nicht on Monunday labt cunfessit he haid
his sisters coat upon him and the rest that were with him haid claythis
dammaskit about thame and thair faces blaikit, and they haid a lad
playand upon banis and bells with thame. Archie Hay had a faise about
his loynes and ane kerche about his face. [Ordained tu make repentance
two Sundays] bairfut and bair-leggit.

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