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the elderis of the north syd of the toun avait on the Communioun and
serving thairof and for dischairging of thair dewteis sail appoynt
Alexander Pringill and William Gibsoun to await on the kirk dur and
William Innes younger and Alexander Innes to avait on the qiieir dur to
ressaue almes and taikyins and the elderis of the south syid sail avait
on the serving of the time thairof the nixt Sondaj'.
February 17th. — Purse for suearing. — It is statut and appointit fra
this furth be consent of all the elderis that euerie elder of this burgh
have ane purse with ane brazyn mowthe that may collect certane
penalteis quhair and quhensoeuir thai atteache personis that ban or
blaspheme the name of God and evcrie Sondaye as occasioun sail offer
to mak ane compt thairof to the puir folks collectour or sessioun and as
the saids elderis salhappin to be remouit fra thair office the intrant sail
buy the samen purse at the same pryce it cost and so furth continuallie.
The elderis of the south syid to visie thair quarteris to sie quha ar
not zit communicat.
February 23rd. — Walter Haye, goldsmyth, and James Haj'e,
his brother, to be summondit to say if they gaif ony teakyins to the
landward peopill for this day.
February 24th. — Puir folk. — All the puir folk ar forbiddin to iiaunt
the kirk and kirkyaird on the Sondaye for seiking of thair almes under
the paynis of deleitting their names of the roll.
March 2nd. — The sessioun desyres the minister to seik the general!
kirkis adwyise tuiching the kirkis satisfactione anent Alexander Gadderar
for manslaughter in sla}-ing Alexander Symond alias Robcrtsone smvth.
Alexander Pringill chosen moderator till the ministeris returning
from the south. [Elders not attending to pay 40d. unless with lawful
March 8th. — William Mill, elder, is ordanit to pay .xl d. for his absens
on Frydaye, also John Bonyman and James Andersoun for not viseing
thair quarter.
March 29th. — Fixit stuilis. — All the elderis hcs concludit in ane voce
that all the fixit stuillis for the women be rasit and put furth out of
the kirk betuix this and the day fyvetein dayis.

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