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catecheis sa lang as the merchantis ar in the toun and sic houshalders as
wantis the said catecheis (quhilk is nychtlie catecheised in the kirk) at
the nixt visitatioun of the quarteris sail pay xl s. of thair redeast geir.
And so the assemblie ves dismissed with a thankisgiffing to God.
December 4th. — Dauidsone. — William Dauidsone, baxter, and his
vvyfe wer found in thair housis the tyme of the foirnonis sermone and
steikit thair durris vpoun the officieris thairfor the said William committit
to remane in vvaird in the steipill all this nicht and pay half merk to
Robert Durie, ofiicier, or he cum furth and mak his publict repentans on
Sonday nixt and gif he beis found in lyk fault his penaltie and repentans
to be doublit.
It is also appointit that Robert Leslie gif the names of sic personis
as beis absent fra evening catecheising to the baillies of that quarter and
the baillie to sie thame poyndit of ij s. for ilk persoun absent thairfra.
December 7th. — It is recommendit to the baillies to visie thair
quarteris and report agane Frydaye quha hes the catecheis in thair
December 9th. — The deacounes to be poyndit for thair absens and
nocht visiting the puir.
December 25th. — The ane half of the eldaris coiivenit hes promeist
instantlie to gang visie the enormiteis gif ony be in the place callit the
Chanonrie kirk and yaird thairof, the uther half and part of them with
Baillie Allexander Annand to await on the cross that na misordour or
baudrie be committed thair lyikas all the haill eldaris hes promeist to
await that na offence be committit concerning the obseruatioun of
superstitious dayis and vaniteis thairof and that specialie in respect ane
proclamatioun thairof wes maid be sound of the hand bell yisterdaye
inhibiting all personis to haunt that or ony superstitious place within
this perroche vnder the pain contenit in the actis maid thairanent of
befoir and burnyng thame on the cheik.
I 5 9 7-S-
January 4th. — Margaret Gumming is ordered by the session to keep
a honest and chaste behauiour in all her doings for avoiding of sclander.
Alexander Annand, last moderator in absence of the minister, is
found to have offendit in neglecting to call before him sic of the elderis

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