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diuers young children within this burgh, amongis quhome scho charmeit
Corridounes young barne, quho denyit the samyn, nochtheles Cristane
Sutherland, Johnne Gordounes vvyiff wowit in hir face that scho gaif
command to hir nureishe to vveslie hir barne with irne vre and smiddie
schinders, and said that this Isbell Thomsone bad hir reproue Grissal!
Uruall and the barne vvald be the bettir. Cristane Sutherland awouis
that scho kinkit with ane key in hir hand thryis upoun the cruik in the
kitchie, also Cristane Sutherland said the gudwyif of Cunzeachis boig
cam to her hous to stay the vomit of hir barne, and sayis that scho
spak wordis ouer the chyild. Comperit Isbell Young, spous to Alexander
Grant, and declarit that this Tliomsoun pat hony, vinager and butter
altogidder as scho said to hir to haue put about hir young barne, bot
scho refuisit, yet nochttheless the said Isbell Thomsone maid a certane
commixtioun of oyle and vther thingis and left the same in a kan with
hir nuireische quhilk the said Isbell neuir usit, and the said Isbell Young
brought with her the said kan to the session. This Preinak confessis
that Andro Gordounes wyiff send for her to mak a plaister to hir barne,
and scho maid the same of swynis sawine, rossat, walx, blak peppir,
hony, and cannell, and layd the same to the barne to stay hir barne
uncassin and weshe the said barne with ane blak clout. This Preinak
confessis that scho oyilit Nicoll Vatsounes hand and that it wes oylc
peter that wes layid to his hand, and scho gat for hir paynes 6s. 8d.
money, and this oile scho bocht at Sanct James day befoir. Magy
Young seruitrix to Hcnrie Kemptis wyiff awouit in the said Preinaks
face that scho maid a droggerie of black woll, quhilk scho krissit with
kairdis and pat the samyn in a pane mixit thair with aquavytie, raw
hony and seithet thame altogidder, and layd the same to umquhill Mr.
William Clarkis breist a lytill befoir he deit, and Elspet Beig seruand
woman affirmes the same, and this eftir being suorne awouit the same in
hir face, whilk scho confest hir selff Scho confessis that scho gaiff
spurge and pouder cinnie (?) to William Youngis barne a lang tym
bygane and bad weshe him with irne vre.
December loth. — Isbell Smyth, the relict of Limqll. James Thomsoun,
denyit that scho culd charme.
All sic personis as bydis behind the secund bell fra the kirk to be
estemit as absent, and sail pay penaltiu Ihairfoir.

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