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August 1 8th. — Sic yettis and durris as ar found stekit upoun the
officiaris quhen thei pas through the toune on the Sabboth daye with the
visitours for inbringing the peopill to the sermon salbe callit dissobediens
and puneist thairfoir.
August 20th. — Preparatioun to the Fast. — The eldarschipe ordanis
the bell to pas through the toune upoun the xxi day of this moneth
dischargand all preparatioun of meatts on Sondaye nixt bayth at eftir
and foir noon bot a generall fast and abstinence to be that day through
the haill toune and all personis to convein to the preachingis and that
ther be na kynd of pastyiiie or ony serveill varks bot all to giff thamc
selffis to humiliatioun and prayer under the pane of ten lib.
August 25th. — ■ Millaris of the auld Mylnis. — Alexander Annand
and Robert I ones promeist to assist the officiar to poynd the tennents
of Pluscarden anent the bell silver.
September 3rd. — Walter Youngsone Robert Ross and Jhone Young
vnder millaris of the auld mylnis of Elgin confessit that thei careit
ane certane feill vpoun thair schulderis and tuik out certane ruittis
and patt in the dampner vpoun Sonday vves aucht dayis and thairefter
cum to the preaching and observit the fast with the rest of the peopill.
They ar appointit to cum and mak thair publict repentans on Sonday
September 8th. — James Reid accusit for going about the feilds on
Sondaye wes aucht dayis the tym of the eftir noones sermoun quha
ansuerit and deponit on his conscience that he wes suirlie informit befoir
of sum guidis that wes appeirand to do skaith him in the cornes.
It is appointit and ordanit that sick of the eldaris as mitigat and
deducis be thair voitting ony part of penalteis contenit in the assembly
bulks sail pay alsmekill out of thair awin purs as they mitigatt and
deduce of the samyn.
George Duncan accusit for byding fra the kirk the tym of the
sermoun tuk it vpoun his conscience that he vantit ane playid to put
about and that ves his stayine.
All kynd of pastime during the harvest on Sondayes forbidden bot
onlie a soberetie and fasting, prayers and invocatioun to be obseruit
during the samyn.
September loth. — Anent kadis and hiirdcins. — A proclamatioun be
sound of the hand bell to be maid upoun Saterday nixt that na persoun

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