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Murraye biirges of the said burgh is becuin actit that the said parteis
sail fulfill the samyn and that thai sail abstein quhill thai be mareit
vnder the paynis of x lib. and they actit to releif him.
June 26th. — It is appointit that thair salbe ane fast tua first Soiidayes
of July nixt to cum.
Generall Act. — It is appointit that the servandis of the burgh kepe
the preachmg ayther foirnone or efternone under the paynis of poynding
of i6d. of their fie.
July 3rd. — Thomas Smyth accusit for nocht repairing to the preiching
promeist to amend.
It is appointit that ane exhortatioun be evcrilk daye in the morning
during the fast whilk begins on Sondaye nixt till Sondaye thaireftir.
James Gumming, tailyeour, accusit for nycht walking and playing at
y the kylis the tyme of devyne service and for dishaunting the kirk.
\Vm. Smith accusit for dishaunting of the preaching and prayeris and
for playing at vain pastymes the tyme thairof quho hes promeist to
amend in thais and to that effect hes fund Wm. Young cautioun vndir
the pane of baneischment of the said Smith.
Symound the cutlar actit to haunt the keiping of the dcvyn scruicc
and dishaunt his suearing and banning in tymcs coming vndir paynis of
Magye Grciff hes actit to compleit the band uf mariage with Androw
July 17th. — It is appointit that James Baxter be put in the slepill for
his contemp and dissobedience. The said James hes promeist to amend
and be present at the preachingis vndir the jjane of vplifting of xl s.
worth of his geir within xxiiij houris thaireftir.
In the caus persewit be the procuratour fischall aganis Janet Douglas
spous to Thomas Dolles for sclandering of David Torre magistrat the
townis court hes referrit to this as.semblie quhilk thai haif tryit and
found trew and also referrit the puneischment of the said Janet and the
puneischment of Kathcrein Nicoll spous to Richart Varden to the said
assemblie for sclandering of the said Dauid and vther of the magistratis
of this burgh vpoun the commoun and publict calsaye quhilk sclandcr
the said Katherene confessit. The act anent sclanderaris to be put in
executioun in thair personis.

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