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It is appointed that all personis of quhatsumeuir degre that beis fund
at pastyme or playing on Sondaye at the tyme of preaching ather befoir
noone or efter noone sail pay xxs. ad pios vsus.
January 4th. — Compeirit Tiberius Winchester quhomc the minister
and eldaris accusit for gysing through the toun upone the 27th day
of December accompaneit with a pyper and certane utheris ryotous
pepill efter nyn houris of the nicht quho denyit ony abuse in the doing
thairof and thairfor the eldaris appointis him to be heir the morne to
ansuer in the said mater quhen thair salbe a gretar number of the
January 5th. — Vinchister. — Tiberius Winchester confessit ryding
through the toun upon Thuirsdaye at evin the 27th day of December
accompaneit with a pyper. The said daye mony of the craftismen of
the said burghe convenit sic as tailzearis, cordineris, vobstaris, flescharis,
and merchantis, the quhilkis personis wer all accusit for prophaning of
the Sabbothe daye be vorking and playing as also for selling of certane
merchandice. Euerie craftismen and merchantt quhois buith durris beis
found oppyne upon the Lordis day sail pay 40s. for the first fault and if
they be found relapsit to be duplicated the penaltie. Euerie merchand
and craftisman registrat in this x'\ssemblie buik as confessit to pay 6s. Sd.
January i6th. — Duf : Greif. — Thome Duff confessit that Magy
Greif was in his hous at eating and drinking bot not with him on 25th
Dec The eldaris hcs continewit thair sentence in this purpois quhiil a
fullar number of the eldaris be present. The said Magy Greif appointed
to mak hir repentance for committing fornicatioun with Androvv Gibsoun
on Sonday nixt.
The act anent sclanderaris to haif full executioun vpoun James Kar
for calland Agnes Smyth spous to Nicolas VVrrell glangoirie witche and
mony vther injurious wordis.
January 23rd. — Convenit within the queir for administratioun of
justice Mr. Alex''. Douglas James I'ringhill, etc. It is concludit thair
salbe a fast in this toun i]uhilk salbe intemeit furth of the puli)iU on
Sondaye nixt.

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