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James Ogilvie, sone in law to Thomas Umphraye, accusit for suffering
his wyif sell merchaiidice in his hous iipoun the Sondaye, quha refusit
nochtheless hes actit that na vvairis pertaining him salbe sauld on the
15 93-
April 4th. — This daye certane vphaland peopill fornicatoris being
sLimmonit to this daye wiz. Andro Coker with Magy Culbak promeist to
compeir this day aucht dayis.
AiigoHS : Vatsouiie. — NichoU Watsoun and Jhoiie Angous induellaris
in the burgh of Elgin being accusit for accompaneing the Jesuiettis and
in speciall thais qnho ar with my ladye Sutherland and helping of thame
to say mes, the minister offeris him to resolue the saidis personis gif thai
be in doubt of thair religioun and for making ansuer to this accusatioun
hes giffin thame till adwyse till efternoone.
Barbara Feldoun hes actit hirself ouer agane to remove hir self out
of this toun and to remane perpetually furth of the samyn vnder the
panis of burning of hir in thre partis of the face gif scho contravenis the
samyn. The assemblie geivis command to Robert Leslie, redar in this
toun, to bapteis hir bairne on Sondaye nixt cumis.
Janet Martyn comperit and askit mercie and pardin of James Young
armorar for the miscalling of him and hes actit hir self neuir to commit
the lyk in tymes cuming vnder the panis of standing in the joggis and
hairclayth xxiiij hours.
April loth. — Helen Fowlertoun depones scho hard Annapill
Thomsone call Elspet Robertson, spouse to James Petric, witches geit.
The act against slanderers to be put in full execution against Annapill
Andro Cocker in Linkwod and Margaret Culbak thair ar contraclit
to mary and mak thair repentance on Soiiday nixt.
April 1 8th. — It is appointed that sum support be gewin to VV'".
Fynnie out of the puir folkis money.
May 9th. — Eftir ressoning anent the day of the Communion and
materiallis for the same it was concludit that the greatest number of
honest men within the toun suld be summoned agane the nixt Frydaye
the allewint of this instant to gif thair opinion in respect of the busie
tyme of yeir twtcliing the communioun and materiallis.

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