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licence of the toun and magistrals thairof and lykwayis for playing this
last Sonday vpoun his gryit pyip at eftirnone in tyme of preaching in
contempt of God his word and kirk and thairfoir thai appoint him to
stand in the hairclayth on Sonday nixt and mak his repentance publictlie
and that he remane in the stepill till he find caution to do the same.
Vauis. — George Wauis burges of Elgin being summonit for breking
of the Sabboth be leading of his cornis and bigging of the samyn
vpoun the Sabboth day quha confessit he did the same eftir none
vpoun ane Sondaye becaus thai wer in pynt of tinsall nochtwithstanding
of that answer the minister and eldaris ordanis him to mak his publict
repentance and lyikwayis for ressauing of the personis baneist furth
of this toun to shear his cornis and for saying he wald accept the
dewill to do him service than, denyit the last part bot confessit he said
he wald accept the personis baneist to schear his cornis, and thairfoir
thai adiuge him in the vrong and worthie of puneishment.
November 7th. — Wm. Alseonar Thome Cryistie Wm. Chissolme in
Mestowie being summonit to compeir this daye and dissobeyand ar
ordanit quhen thei cum to this toun to be wardit in the stepill.
November 15th. — David Sim. — David Sim ordanit to forbear the
Sondayis playing the tyme of preaching in pane of xxs.
December 13th. — Generall Act. — It is ordanit that na persoun or
personis be permitted to remane in thair hous of the townis folkis or
cuntrey folkis the tyme of preaching vpoun the Sabboth daye quhidder
thai half meat or drink or nocht vnder the pane of the actis maid anent
the breking of the Sabboth daye maid heirtofoir.
Johnn Cowy maiessoun hes promeist and actit him self to mary
Katty Cowy betuix this and this daye aucht dayis in pane of warding
within the stepill of bayth the saidis persounis.
Janet Schand within the college ordanit to abstene fra Thome
Duncane and all vtheris in pane of baneischment and mak hir repentance
on Sondaye nixt.
I 592-3-
January loth. — Thomas Stuart anc stranger man and now ane
induellar within this burgh confessit fornicatioun and adulterie with ane
stranger woman callit Elspet Fut, quha is alredie baneist furth of this

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