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The ministratioun of the communioun is ordanitt to be qiihen lasour
may be haid at the ischew of the beirseid becaus it was (riffln in v\-nter
last and ordanis examinationis to pas befoir the samyn.
March 23rd. — Compeiritt Alex"". Dunbar of Vesthill in Phiscarden
and faythfullie promeist to solempneize and accompleische mariagc with
Mariorye Straquhyn his lemmane and partie with quhomc he haldis hous
and desyris his bannis to be proclamit on Sondaye nixt and hes actit
himself to performe the samyn in pane of tuantye piindis. [Pcrformit.]
March 29th. — Anent the supplication giffin in be Innes, it is
appointit ony ane of his avvin freinds within this toun to gang throch the
toun for gathereing of support to him, and he sal haif licence to do the
Generall Act. — It is appointit that gif ony of thais that beis contcnit
in the roll for awaitting on the ordour of the Sabbothe daj-e to pas
throch the toun, refuis to do the samyn at ony tyme sail paye ane
penalty to the puir onforgevin.
April 26th. — It is ordanit that ane publict fast be obserued throchout
this toun on Frydaye ni.xt bayth befoir none and eftir none and preaching
to be during the sam.en and this act to be intimat to the townis folkis in
the court for ob.serving thairof and siclyk that the officiaris of this toun
adverteis ther quarter of the toun particularlie quhairthroch thai may be
the better prepared to that halie actioun of the supper of the Lord.
May 14th. — John Innes youngar burges of Elgin and Janat Annand
dochter to Johnne Annand of Morrestoun thair bannis to be proclamit
on Sondaye nixt.
May 17th. — Generall act anent filihie latigage. — It is statut and ordanit
thatt quhatsumeuir persoun beis challengit and found to haif spoikin
filthie and abhominable langage and continewis and insistis in the same
for the first fault sail stand in the joigis or ellis pay 20s. and mair gif the
persoun be habill [the penalty and fines to be duplicated for further
offences]. It is concludit vpoun that the personis presentlie within the
stepill vardit thair for thair filthie and lascivious langage remane euerie
ane of thame in the samyn quhill thai paye sa.x .schillingis viiid. as ane

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