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That day Cristen Sutherland being accusit for the superstitious and
idolatrous onbigging of bein missommer and Pettir fyiris and vpoun hir
greit ayth being sworne hes denyit the samen that scho nayther knew
thairof or consentit thairto in ony wayis bot quhow sone scho persauit
the same, tuik watter and drownit out the samen and thairfnir sould be
absoluit fra ony forthcr accusatiounis thairintill.
July 9th. — Johnnc Smyth, post, and Helena Innes ordainis thair
bannis be proclaimit on Sonday nixt and Walter Innes, flescher, is
becum actit cautioner for thair abstinence quhill the day of mariage
vnder the payne of fyve libs.
July 14th. — It is ordainit that all thais that keipis hostalrie or
tauernis on Sonday within this burgh sail pay for the first fault ten s.
and the secound fault 20 s. and mak thair repentance the said penaltie to
be duplicatit vpoun thame toties quoties thai committ the fault and thair
repentance to be on the new stuill for thair contempt and violating of
the Sabbothe. The said day compeirit William Morray and Johnne
Varden burges of this burgh accusit for keiping and manteining of
hoistilarie within thair houssis vpon Sonday xi of this instant July, quha
deponit and maid thair ayts in the contrar and declarit be thair ayts that
thai wer in the kirk the tyme of preaching and hes promeist in all tymes
to cum to saiff thame selfs thair wyififis bairnis and servandis fra keiping
hoistilarie within thair houses in tyme of preaching on Sabboth dayis
{^Stinday markets]. — The minister maid intimatioun to the bailleis
anent doun putting of the Sondayis mercattis qlk is haldin within this
burgh that he will proceid to admonitiounes aganis thame vnder the
pane off excommunicatioun and Maister James Gardin protestit that the
persounes of the landwart as cam to hald mercat on Sonday sould be
wardit be thame within the tolbuyth for he allegit thame to be the
principall caus of the same.
Anent fairis. — The minister and eldaris ordanis Sanct James fair
that fallis on Sonday this year to be on the nixt Monunday thairefter
and na mercat to be on Sonday and gif it happinnis ony fair or mercat
day to befall on Sonday in ony tyme cuming thair salbe na mercat
that day bot the nixt Monunday thairefter to be the principall fair
dayis and for delaying the mercatis to be haldin on Sondayis ordanis anc
proclamatioun to be maid at the mercat place callit the skemles be ane
townis officier haiffand ane command of the bailleis.

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