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March 25th. — Straquhane. — Johne Straquhyn summonit. Katlierin
Thorne hard him blaspheme Margaret Gadderar in calling of hir ane
skemlin witchc karling.
April 4th. — Paul anent retiioffiiig. — Jannat Paull villinglie confest hir
self to remove hir fra the boundis of this paroche at Vitsonday iiixt for
hir sclanderous lyiff vnder the pane of burning of hir vpoun the cheik
and baneisching hir therfra in caice of dissobedience.
April 28th. — A)ie Act. — This day ane act maid anent thame that hes
nocht communicat that thai be summonit agane Fryday nixt to gif thair
rcassounis quhy thay abstractt thameselfis fra the ressauing thairof.
April 30th. — Non-Cojiiiimnicantis. — Compeirit Patrik Andersoun,
burges of Elgin [and 6 other burgesses] with Maistcr Hcnre Thorntoun
[and 2 others] quhilkis personis wer summonit to gif thair reassoun
quhye thaj did not communicat the super of the Loird with the rest of
the congregatioun quhais ansuer being hard and declarit nol found
sufficient thaj ar commandit of the sessioneris to present the tabill of
the Loird on Sonday nixt to communicat quhilk thay haif promeist to
do vnder the pane of the censures of the kirk (except Katherein Cowie
that promeist no'.).
May 26th. — TJic ministeris offer. — That day Mr. Allcx^. Douglas,
minister at Elgin, desyrit the bailleis of the said burgh that thay wald
caus all balding of mercattis within this burgh on Sondayis to be stayit
and als that the mercat of trinitie day quhilk was scheortlie to be in the
burgh on that Sonday wer continewit till Monunday nixt thairefter and
forder that all mercat dayis that salhappin to fall on ane Sonday salbe
appointit to be haldin on the Monunday nixt therafter within the burgh.
Quhilk desyir the baillies and elderis then present thocht reassonabill in
respect quhairof thai haif promesit to caus mak oppin proclamatiounis
on Satterday and Sonday nixt herefter be ten houris afoir noone at the
mercat place to the effect abouewrittin. Attour the said Maister Allex-
ander ofifert to teache on Sonday and the baillies elders and counsall
requestit him to superceid and continew onteachit and that be ressoun
of the tumult of the peopill, and he sail haif with Godis graice guid
obediens and ordor fra that furthe according to the will of God and
thair powar.

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