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jornay ton-anl Scotland, and generallie in all and quliatfumevir utiiir particulair deid
or actioun pcrteninij; to the fohlaid treaty, done or all'entit to be tliame, or any of
tliaine, fra the begynnyng to the end thairof : All quhilkis liis IVIajellie, with avife
foirfaid, Iialdis for particularlie exprefflt and Ipecifeit in this dilcharge, to have con-
formeit tliame in everie point to tliair commiflionis and inflructionis foirfaidis, and
thairln honourablie and deutifnllie to have difehargeit thanie of the faid wechtie eirand
committed unto tliame, and to have done his Majellie, liis realme, and haill eftate
maill memorable and worthy lervice, del'erving his Hienes favourable rememberanee
thairof to thame and thair pofteriteis, in all tyme cuming; quhairof liis Majeftie fall
fynd na founair the occafioun, nor he will latt the fame appeir to every ane of thame
to thair advancement baith in benefite and honnour ; Exonering, releveing, and dif-
chargeing thame, and every aue of thame thair airis, for his Hienes and his fuccef-
Iburis of the laidis Commiflionis, inftructionis, contract, and utheris pieces befoir men-
tionat, haill articlis, clauflis and conditionis thairof, and quhatfumevir foirfaid ather
intervenit or followit tliainipoun from the beg)Tining of the faid treaty, unto his Ma-
jelleis repair to this laid town of Upslo, and of all pane and perlute that may impend,
or be intendit, criminallie or civilie aganis thame, or ony of thame, be his Majeftie
or his foirfaidis, for any thing pertening to the forfaid treaty, done or committed be
thame, or any of thame, induring the (aid fpace. And for that the Abbacie of Deir
being erected be his Majeftie in a temporall Lordihip, wes be his Hienes difponit to
his faid coufing, and incorporat in liis faid Erldome, in confideratioun of his defigna-
tioun at that tyme for the faid fervice, and the exorbitant expenfis quhilk the honnour-
able difcharge thairof wald crave and putt him to; quhilk now it hes pleafit God to
effectual be his meane ; Thairfore His Majeftie and Lordis foirfaidis have declairit,
and be tlie tennour of this prefent Act declairis, his Hienes coufing foirfaid to have
honnourablie, dewtifullie, and to his Hienes greitaft chargeis and expenfis, eftectuat and
fulfillit the caus and motive of the faid erectioun and unioun fpecifeit in his infeft-
ment : And that in the perfonnance thairof, he lies maift worthelie defervit the foir-
faid benefite in a perpetuall monument of his faid lervice to liim and his for evir :
Promiffing in that refpect in his Hienes princelie and inviolable word, to caus this
faid difcharge and declaratioun to be confermit and ratifeit be his Hienes thrie Efteatis
in the nixt Parliament. And ordening, in the meantyme, this prefent Act to be infert
and regiftrat in the Buikis of Secreit Counfaill, ad perpeticam rei memcn-iam.

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