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in refpect of his office, as likeuife the reft of the Counfale being ab-
fent all that haill day ; efter I come to Edinburgh, the Chancellair
and the Juftice Clerk being yit unretumed oute of Lauder, and the
haill reft of the Officiaris of Eftate being all at ther awne houffis,
the Clerk of Regifter onlie excepted. Bot fra I favv this voyage im-
poffible to be perfyted be the Erll Bothuill, in refpect of the coiftis
he had beftowed upoun the preparatiounis of my mariage, quhairby
he wes unable to mak it with fic expeditioun and honnour as the
eftate of that affair and his pei-fone did require, I wes then forceid
to feik fum other way, and to abyde the Counfallis afTembling ; quha
being convenit, fand fic difficulties in reiking out a nownier of
fliippis for hir convoy, for fa I gaif it oute quha fuld be the per-
fonis of the AmbafTade, as I wes compelled (to mak thame the mair
eirnist) to avow in grite vehemencie, that gififthay could be gottin na
other to gang I fuld ga myfelff allane, gif it wer bot in ane fliip : Bot
gififall men (laid I) had bene als weill willit as become thame, I neidit
nocht be in that ftrait. Thir fpeiches moved the Chancellair upoun
three refpectis, to mak his offir of going ; ffirft, taking thefe fpeiches
of evill will unto him, becaus all men knawis how he hes bene
this lang tyme fklanderit for over grite flawnes in the mater of my
mariage ; nixt, his zeale to my fervice, feing me fa eirnift ; and laft,
the feir he had that I fuld have performed my fpeiches, gif na bet-
ter ciild have bene. Fra the tyme of the making of this offer, I have
evir kepit my intentioun of my going als clois as polTible I could
frome all men, becaus I thocht ay it was aneuch for me to putt my
fute in the fchip, quhen all thingis wer redy, without fpeiring of

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