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friends have dedicated this monumental tablet. Born January
24th, 1770; ordained Deacon 1793; ordained Priest 1805 ; conse-
crated Bishop March 7th, 1830. Died March 5th, 1841."
" Sacred to the memory of Major General Sir John Campbell,
Baronet, C.B., who served throughout the first Burmese war, under
liis distinguished father, Lieutenant- General Sir Archibald Camp-
bell, Baronet, G.C.B., K.C.T.S. He commanded the 38th Kegiment
for fourteen years, and as Brigadier General fought at Alma and at
Inkerman. He fell while gallantly leading on at the assault of
the Eedan, 18th June, 1855. His remains were laid in the cemetery
on Cathcart's Hill, near Sebastopol. His widow dedicates this
tablet, near the remains of his revered parents, to the memory of
a beloved husband.
A monument has also been erected in Winchester Cathedral by
the 38th Eegiment, in which he served for thirty-three years, as a
testimony of respect, sincere affection, and esteem.
" ' Them also that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him —
2 Thess. iv. 14."
"Sacred to the memory of Captain James Eobertson, 9th Eegiment
Madras Native Infantry, and assistant Commissary General, third
son of the late Colonel David Eobertson Macdonald, of Kinloch-
JNIoidart. Born 22nd July, 1806. He died on board the Bucephalus
on his passage to the Cape of Good Hope, lat 25*^ 9' south, long.
62° 31' east, February 15th, 1851."
" This tablet is erected by Jeannette Stanley in memory of her
beloved husband, Edward Stanley, senr., captain of H.M. 57th
Eegiment of Foot, Knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal.
Born A.D. MDCCCXVI. He fell in the Crimea, November oth,
MDCCCLIV., whUe in command of his regiment, and on the
following day his remains were committed to a soldier's grave on
Cathcart's Hill.
" ' Cast down but not destroyed.' — 2 Cor. iv. 9."
" In memory of Douglas Charles Turing Beatson, Lieutenant 14th
Bengal Native Infantry, who hardly recovered from a wound
received at Ferozeshuhur on the 21st December, 1845, was again
wounded 10th February, at Sobraon, and died at Ferozepore, 16th
February, 1845, aged 24. The officers of the 14th Eegiment place
this monumental tablet as a record of their affection and esteem
for a lamented fellow soldier and friend.
" ' Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus
Christ.'— 2 Tim. ii. 3."

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