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Attestatioun by Thomas Volsen, and Walter Adamsoun
and William Adamsoun to the Toun of Edinburgh —
10 May 1624.
To all and fyndrie quhais knawlege thir prefentis fall to come
Forfamekle as ane worfchipfull man George Heriot Jowellar
to his Majeftie be his letteris of donation grant and difpofi-
tion of the date the thrid day of September laft bypafl 1623
gaiff grantit and difponit to the richt honorable the Proweft
Bailies and Counfale of Edinburgh within the kingdome of
Scotland divers great fummes of monee dew to be payit to him
be divers perfonis be virtew of certane contraftis letteris obli-
gatouris infeftmentis and fecurities maid thairanent partlie
to the vfe and behoiff of his freindis and kinffolkis thairin ex-
premit in maner thairin mentionat and the refidue to be im-
ployit vpon the pios and religios workis thairin contenit / to
the glorie of God / the honour of the Kingdome / the publift weill
and ornament of his mother citie of Edinburgh forfaid WE
thairfore vnderfubfcryvers be thir prefentis Teftifies and makis
knawin That the forfaid difpofition wes maid and perfytit be
the faid George Heriot of perfyte knawlege of deliberat mynd
and of his awin proper vill and motion Lyk as he wes the
tyme forfaid in guid and perfyte health and conftitution of
bodie And that we did fie the faid George fubferyve the faid
difpofition of the date forfaid And did treulie fubferyve the
fame as witnefles thairto And that the haill fubftantiall pointis

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