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merkis to make hir ane gowne withall gif hir hufband alfo
quliome I nameit ane Executour except of the executioune
thairof in regaird of Lis paines to be alfo takine in that behalf
Item I do freilie remit vnto my kynd freind M r Gib of his Ma-
jefties Bed Chalmer the dett quhiche he awith vnto me and I
geiwe vnto the puire of Rochehamptoun thrie pundis to be de-
vydit amongis thame at my Executouris difcretioun Item I
geive vnto Capitane Tumour of King James his Hofpittill
foundit be M r Suttone fyve pundis and vnto ane old womane
nameit Karfe 1 s. and vnto ane old woman nameit Heriot
vther fyftie fchillingis Item I geive vnto Johne Anderfone
fyve pundis and to ane puire man callit Jamefone xl s.
and vnto Goodman Juke and his wyf that keip my hous in
Rochhamptoune iij lib. Item I geive vnto the puire preffon-
eris lyand for dett in the faid Towne of Edinburgh ten pundis
Sterling Item I geive and bequaith vnto Andro Robinefone
he being fund to haue faithfullie difchairgit himfelff of thais im-
ploymentis that he laitlie had frome me into Spaine over and
aboue his ehairges fyftie pundis Sterling Item I geive vnto
M r George Kirke of the Prince his hienes bed chalmer as ane
takine of my love ane peice of plat or diamond at his chois of
fyftie merkis Sterling Item I do remit vnto Johne de St John
the dett quhich he awith me and I geiwe him over and aboue
ten pundis Sterling and my will is that this Codifeill be and be
adjudgit and takine to be parcell of my faid Laft Will and
to be of force be the rycht of ane codeceill or be onie vther
rycht in the belt maner that may be to be perfytlie performit
according to my trew menyng as if the fame war declairit and

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