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to my intent and trew meining in my faid will expreft and
toward is his chairges and paines thairin frome tyme to tyme
to be takine in and about the accoraplifehing and finifching
thairof being ane wark of chirritie I geive and bequaith vnto
him the laid M r Do&our Balcanquall over and aboue the le-
gacie bequaithit to him in my faid will the Cowme of ane
hundreth pundis fterling to be payit be my faidis Executouris
as followis viz the ane half thairof within thrie monethis
nixt efter my deceis and the vther half quhen the foid intendit
hofpittill is fullie and abfolutlie finifchit and accomplifchit in
and be all thingis And alio I defyre Jofeph Marjoribankis
merchand M r Robert Balcanquall Minifter of Tranent Nicoll
Vdward merchand Gilbert Kirkwod goldfmithe Alexander
Heriot Alexander Ramfay and Johne Johnftoune merchandis
all of the faid towne of Edinburgh or onie four of thame in the
abfence of the laid M r Do&our Balcanquell to be earnelt folici-
touris in the fame biffines and to indevour the effe&ing thairof
And my will and defyre is that the faid M r Doftour Balcanquell
fall requyre the faid Proveift Baillies Minilleris and Counfell
in the laid will nameit that out of the rentis ifchewis and
proffeitis of the meins and eftait lb be me gevin as in my foir-
laid will is limitit and declairit they fall manteine and keipe
ten bulferis in the Colledge of Edinburgh for ewer allowing
yeirlie fyve pundis Sterling into eiche ane of thame the elec-
tioun of thame to be as fall be ordorit or dire&it by the buike
ftatutis ordinances or writting to be degellit frameit and de-
lyverit as in my faid will is mentionat and I do remit and for-
geiwe vnto my honourable freind Maiftres Elizabeth Maxuell

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