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riixt efter my deceis gif and delyver ane trew Inventarie and juft
accompt vnto the laid Proveift Baillies Minifteris and Counfell
of all and lingular the meynes and eftait that I fall die poffell'ed
of to the end that may the better appeir quhat meines and
furpluffage fall or aucht to cum for the founding the faid hof-
pittill purchefing of Landis and performing the vther thingis
befoir mentionat and that my faidis Executouris fall and will
pey and delyver vnto thame alfo all the laid furpluffage fowme
and fowmes of money quhenfoever fo fchone as the famen poffe-
blie can be done and performit and that faithfullie and trewly in
and be all thingis which fuperpluftage or refidew of my eftait togid-
der with the former furpluffage of the dett or moneyis quhiche ar
in Scotland contenit in the formentionat deid wrytting or afligne-
ment I efteime in the haill wilbe about the fowme of
as pairtlie appereth by ane Inventarie be me thairof maid and
fubfcrivit with my name And my will and mynde is that quhat-
foever legacie or gift heirin mentionat fall fall dew to my Exe-
cutouris or vtherwayis by reaffone of the death of the pairties
or onie of thame to quhome I haue gevin the fame and not
mentionat or direftit to quhome in fuche caice the fame fould
go or be payabill That all fuche fall go and redound haillie and
abfolutlie vnto and for the founding of the faid hofpittill and
purfcheffing of landis to belonge to the fame according to my
trew meining befoir expreffit and my will and earneft defyre
that the Lord Chancellour of Scotland the tua Lordis Archi-
bifchopis the Lord Prefident of the Colledge of Jufteice and the
Lord Advocat thair for the tyme being or onie thrie of thame
vpon anie complent maid vnto thame or onie of thame or vpon

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