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My Lord
We weer willing to furnifli your Lo : with news
from hence, wherin I am fure we fliall be prevented otherwis the
promis we made you long or now has become a debt by attend-
ing the triumphs of our great navy which has iurmounted all
expe&atione to the great joy of our kyng and natione as by the
perticulers will apeare to your Lo which I leave to my Lo who
is better able to relate them The king its thoght will give ouer
his progres and returne to London to furnifli out new fuplys
ther is a rumor of a parliment wherin by my content you fhall
be noe lord lead you render the right fufpe6ted and by your
favourable inclinations fliew you travaile for your owne glory
not for ours. Yet I think it moil be ibme fpirit borne beyonde
trent that maks us able to encounter with the great goliah for
we cane better beare a hard yoke at home then put our felves
to the leeking of credite abroade God fend us fairly dinmbarked
for I find mod of my mynd inclynde to love peace mor then
lionnor bot whatfomever the l'ucces be forget not you ar bound
to admire and maintaine or keep you wher you are for we all
facrifice to this inftance of valor beyonde example my Lord
Steward thanks be to God is recoverde I confes I was unwilling
to writ to your Lo befor I was confident of it. Hier has been
this ten days fucth uncertaine reports. My Lord Carlieli they
lay is going ane imbafage yet I had his excus laft night for not
coming hither and he writs nothing of it. Sure he hops now
to be ftayd to mayntaine a defence att home. A joyfull court
of all fids as I hier my Lord of Carlieli has made fufith trail-

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