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being fafe I haft to write by him fo mu&h as I think you will
hardly reade only this cara&er is writ not to be bloted I am
Your moft faithfull Seruant
Les. 25 Nou.
My Lord
I cannot fo abfolutly forget the cuftome of your
fauore but that being inftructed by a noble example I prefume
vpon the ocafione hiering of a feruant of yours latly att Lon-
done dere&ed to my Lo' Marquis ther fliould fome whifpers be
that your Lo' hade retyrde into the cuntry vpon fome diflike or
rather that you would not linke your felf to that unfortunate
party not being able to judg what diftaft this may produce or
how it may pres incomodity vpon your Lo' I thoght it a duty
of my part to lett your Lo' know If you pleas to accept of this
place for your felf and your lady to retyre to you iliall be re-
ceaude with a very harty wealcome and haue a powr as ab-
folute of comande as my felf. Your Lo' is belt able to forfee
the inconveniences that may infue vpon diftafts att home and
how farr they may tou£th vpon your owne perticuler. The ap-
proaching miferys leaus not any of vs without thos nefecary
confederations. I offer not to adduis only mak offer of what is
in the powr of your Lo' humble feruant and what I remember
once in a letter to me you weer pleafde to mentione and your
Lo' words whither ferios or otherwis I haue found a memory
faithfull to retayne thos imprefions principally wherin they

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