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The Do&or affairs me your Lo' lias recieude a letter of myne
thre months fince I fent him to conuey to you from Lefter I
am trobelld if that fome others ar mifcaryde I hade not the
opportunetys of certainty that your Lo' hade to writ. If they
come to your hands lett them add to the pile and mak this and
them a facrifice to the tyre att the requeft of your
Feb. 29 in haft by reafon of company calls me away which
maks me afk pardone being vnwilling to iuffer your feruant to
pas without a letter.
To the Right Honourable the Earle of Hedington.
My Lord
I haue thoght it ftrange you haue remoued the
memory of your frinds fo farr from you. Want of oportunity
is my juft excus for the abfence of fu6th trobells as thes and
the certenty of report of your Lo' being expe&ed dayly in the
south gave me the opinion I moght pofibly receave the honnur
to fee you in paling your laft letter difcouering rather an auer-
fione then any fu&h intentione and the fattall fucces that has
liappende beyonde the worft of fears maks me apprehende that
with mor reafone ? You may think your refolutione necefary
althogh att that tyme I thoght it a gentell and eafy farwell
you gaue to this part of the world. I know my Lo' you ar foe
weell adduifde and what you doe is vpon foe good grounds
and deliberatione that it weer prefumptione and impertinency

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