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clam confessed nor prowyn pronuncis and absoluis Beatrix fra ye clam of
Alexander and ordenis Alexander to mak public satisfaccion in ye essemble
of Abyrnethy this nixt Sunday for his sclander and wrangus persut.
Die xxiiij Marcij anno M" V Ixij — Decretum inter David Henderson et
Eleyn Peblis. — The quhilk daye Dauid Henderson and Eleyn Peblis
in ye session of ye Superintendent and ministerie confessed mutuall
promys of mariaige mayd betvvix tham befoyr ane curat and famos wyt-
nes In respect of ye quhilk ye Superintendent decernis and chergis ye
saidis Dauid and Eleyn to compleit and solemnizat yar mariaige within
xxx dayes nixt heirefter or ellis in myd tym ether of tham to propon
and prew sum ressonabill caus quhy yai may nocht or suld nocht solem-
nizat yar mariaige vnder pan of excommunicacion.
Die quinto mensis Maij Anno Domini M" V c Ixiij — Processus et De-
cretum matrimoniale inter Malcolm et Duncan. — The quhilk daye com-
peris Dauid Malcom and allegis yat Agnes Duncan present is his wyft'
be verteu of promys mutuall mayd betvvix thame with consent of hyr
father fowyr yearis syn bypast befoir ane preist accordyng to ye vse ob-
serued for yat tym commonly and carnall dayll betwix hym and hyr fol-
lowed yarvpon desyris ye sayd Agnes to be decernit be ye superintendent
to procead with hym to ye solemnizacion of yar mariaige in presens of
Agnes quhai confessis ye sayd allegacionis And allegis yat ye said Dauid
sen yar promys foyrsayd wes mayd hes mynted and schawyn his deli-
gence to drown hyr in to ane watter vpon ye nycht and also hes gewyn
his body in adulterie to Eleyn Allan mackowyn offeris hyr to prew
ye sam be wytnes Quhilk being admittit as ane ressonabyll defence to
stop solemnizacion Agnes producis Dauid Sanderis Dauid Clyd and
James Clyd wytnes quhilkis war resavit sworne admittit in presens of
Dauid and instantly examinat The Superintendent assignis to Agnes ye
x daye of Junii nixt to cum for farther probacion Parteis heirto summond
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