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mittit be ye said Barbara with William Huntar of Balcarros manifestit
be procreacion of ane child betuix thame borne in the Westhous in
the moneth of in this instant year of sexty thre Quhilk adul-
tery ye saidis Barbara and Wyliam hes confessed diners tymis befoyr
famos wytnes Quhilk Jhon offerris hym to prevv and desyris hym admittit
yarto quhilk being prowyn he awcht nocht to be compelled to adheir to ye
said Barbara bot suld be absolued yarfra The Superintendent vnderstand-
ing ye exceptione ressonabyll to be admittit to probacione statutis to
Jhone wedinsday nixt to cum to prew his allegaeione And decernis hym
lettres to summond his wytnes and Barbara to heyr ye sammyn resauit
and admittit or to sehaw caws to stop ye same.
Die ultimo Junij Anno Domini M" V c Ixiij — Jhon Forbes against Bar-
bara Sandilandis. — -The quhilk daye as in term assignit to Jhon Forbes
apperand of Reres to prewe his allegaeione and exception of adultry pro-
ponit to stop his adherance to Barbara Sandelandis his spows and to
summond Barbara to heyr his probacionis resauit and admittit or to
schaw caus to stop ye same Comperis Jhon and producis ane summondi*
execut and indorsat vpone Barbara and certan wytnes according to ye
desyr foyrsaid The said Barbara called and nocht comperand in payn of
hyr nocht comperance Jhon producis Dauid Ramsaye of J3rakmonth Jhon
Vr minister of Lueris Jhon Gawy Besse Barclay Eufam Ferre Mirabell
Pont Janat Pont Mychell Balfour of Burley M r James Lermonth Jhon
Nesche Nychell Spittell quhilkis ar sworne admittit and instantle ex-
aminat and ISP Robert Hammyltoun George Lewyngstoun Robert
Dauidson Andro Wod apperand of Largo M r Alexander Wod summond
and nocht comperand ar notit contumaces and literalorie statut to Jhon
to do deligence for thame.
Die xiiij a mensis Julij Anno quo supra — Jhon Forbes literatorie. —
The quhilk daye as in term statut literatorie to Jhon Forbes apperand of
Reres to do diligence for M r Robert Hammyltoun George Lewyngstoun
Robert Dauidson Andro Wod apperand of Largo and M r Alexander

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