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ordinance and disciplin of ye kyrk The superintendent assignis wednis-
day to bayth ye parteis to compeir and heir pronuncit in ye caws.
Die Septimo mensis Januarij Anno Domini quo supra — Sentencia
Divorcii inter Gelis Scrymgeor et Archibaldum Dundas. — The quhilk
daye in ye actione and caws of diuorce intentat be Gelis Scrimgeour
a^anis Archebald Dundas hyr husband for ye fylthy crym of adultry
committed be hym with Anne Duncane and Catren Cragdenny as desyr
of this term set to pronunce The superintendent awysit with libellat
summondis of Gelis answer of Archebald fyndis ye adulterie confessit
be Archebald And heirfor pronuncis and with ye awys and consall of
ye ministrie decernis ye said Archebald an adulterar and yarfor accord-
yng to ye law of God ye sayd Gelis Scrymgeour separated and diuor-
ciat fra hym with liberte to hyr in ye Lord to marie ony other man ac-
cording to ye law of God and ye said Archebald be supplicacion to hi
committed in ye handis of his magistrat quhom to he is subiect vidz. ye
Bailie of Abyrnethe and Peter Dundas is becumin caucion for Archebald
his father yat he sail compeir befoyr ye said Bailie and vnderly ciuil cor-
rectione for ye foyrsaidis crimes according to ordor resauit.
Die xxj Januarij anno quo supra — Pi ocessus Kay. — The quhilk day
Janat Kay Indwellar in Sanctandrois in presens of Jhon Duncan hyr
mareit husband and Bege Mychell allegis that ye saidis Jhon and Bege
hef committat ye fylthy crym of adultrie in jonyng of ther bodeis be car-
nal copulacion and procreacion of ane barn and yarfor desyres hyr to be
diuorciat and separated fra ye sayd Jhon and set at liberte according to
ye law of God quhilk adultere being manifest yeNvoman with child and
be tham both confessit ye superintendent and rninisterie committis ye
saidis Jhon Duncan and Bege Mychell in ye handis of ye bailies present
to be ciuile correckit and punist according to ye ordour resauit in yis cite

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