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be suddenlie erected neyther can thei be receved in disciplin and vnitie
of doctrin And farther seing that of Crist Jesus and of his .apostolis we
havve command and exempill to appoynt men to sic chergis And now lest
yat we hawe command of ye vppir poweris to put ye same in executione
We intend toproceid in ye said election according to ye order of ye buik
of reformatione notwithstanding ye absenc of ony personis And this we
notifie to all and syndrie within ye said docesye be this our publict edict
Subscriuit with our handis at ye citie of Sanctandrois vpon ye xx daye
of ye moneth of Marcii in ye year of God 1560 Cristopher Gudman
minister M r Alane Lawmonth M r Thomas Balfour Jhon Moffat M r Mar-
tyn Gedde Jhon Motto M r Robert Pont Jhon Wod eldaris Dauid
Spens Thomas Wolwod George Blak diaconis of Sanctandrois.
Die xxtf" mensis Apj-ilis anno Domini M" V c Ixj — Anent the trial
and admssion of Minusteris The Quhilk day It is prowydit statutit
and ordened be ye superintendent and holl ministerie with consayll of ye
Prowest of Sanctandrois rector and cheif membris of ye vniuersite anent
ye tryall and admissione of Ministeris in ye hoi diocy that sa mony mi-
nisteris exhortaris or readaris as ar alredy placed in Kyrkis detfullie that
ye Superintendent in his visitacion tak tryall of ewiry ane particularlie
be hearing of yar doctrin reading in ye Kyrke yai ar placed and Inquir
of yar lyff and conuersacion be inquisicione amang thar flok And as con-
cernyng ye admission of otheris yat ar not placed It is ordened yat in
tym cuming al sic as pretendis to be admitted to minister in ony Kyrk
within ye bowndis of Fyff Fothryk or Strathern sail compeir within yis
cite at sic daye and place as salbe assignit to tham be the superintendent
to be examinated fyrst priuatlie vpon ye cheaf puntis and headis in con-
trauersy and yar efter ane porcion of text assigneit to ye minister to de-
clar in ye pulpat in the assemble and to ye exhortar or reader to reid or
exhort in ye publict assemble.

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