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tice in this actioun within writtin to baith the parties within expremed
conform to the word of God.
Johne Erskyne Wchiltre James
Johne Wischert Cuminghamhed James Stewart
R. Boyde
Citatio Alexander Lauthrisk. — The Minister and eldaris of the re-
formed Kirk and congregatioun of Sanctandrois to the minister eldaris
and diacons of the alsua reformed Kirkis and congregatiounes of Kirk-
caldy and Aberdour wisched grace mereie and peace fra God our Fadir
and the Lord Jesus Christe so be it Forsamekle as be the lordis of chris-
tiane congregatioun and secrete counsale therof hes be ther lettres of re-
quest directed to ws vnder thir or least certane of ther subscriptiones
manuall requested ws to procede and do justice in this vnderwrittin ac-
tioun and caus of divorce intented and moved be Alexander Lawthrisk in
Kirkcaldy dwelland against Elizabeth alias Besse Symsone his pretended
and alleaged spous for committing the filthy cryme and syne of adultery
brekand the third command of the Second table quher it is writtin Thow
sail nocht committ adultery And We willing to obey the saidis Lordis re-
questes in sa far as we may of equitie and justice according to the law of
God and that the veritie be just tryall in the said matter taking may be
searched owt diligentlie and maid knawin to ws and the faythfull Kirkes
and congregationes abone exprimed that ignorantlie as blind judges We
procede not to ony act Judiciall in this sa pondreous and wechty caus
without trew cognitioun tayne rypelie in the same Heyrfore consultatioun
haid before be mature deliberatioun therefter following thinkand it res-
sonable and maist conforme to justice to procede ordourlie be ane sum-
mondis preceding all act judiciall heirintill be ws to be observed will we
that the said Elizabeth alias Besse Symsone foresaid be the tennour of
this our edict to be publiclie affixed to the Kirk durres of Kirkcaldy upoun

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