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xxxv yeris bipast in quhilk tyme I haif led ane continent lyfe withowtin
ony suspitioun imputed to me And now haifand respect to my aige that
I may nocht be at ease allane and findand Catheryne Mesche ane chast
virgine past xl yeris of aige hes procured hir consent to be jvvined with
me in the band of matrimony and thervpoun hes gevin my faith and
promise be wordes of the present tyme according to the custome vsed
in tymes bipast beleving na impediment to haif bayne maid to the com-
pleting We haif conversed together tresting also as yit I trest surelie the
said Margaret is decessed and also our bannes being proclamed dewlie
na persone come to schaw ony impediment knawin to ws Except that we
are informed that friendis of the said Margaretis solistes to differ our
actioun Heirfor I beseik your wisedomes to grant to me ane edict to be
executed in sick public maner as is maist decent vpoun sa few days as
the law provydes and that onlie for the weale of the woman that standis
in great displeasure and melancoly becaus sche is cumin to sa great aige
withowtin reproche and now is deceved by baith our knawleges Forrier
lang delay may be prejudiciall to our caus in sa far as I haiff bott twa
witnes in this realme and gif ony of them sail inlaik I am not of puis-
sance to procure probatioun furth of far cuntreyes albeit commoun voice
and fame is the same gif that were sufficient.
Decimo sexto Martij 1559. — The quhilk day the Minister and eldaris
of this reformed Kirk of Sanctandrois decernis ane edict in the cause for-
said vpoun fourscoire days with intimatioun to the party to be summond
With certificatioun gif the party summond compere or nocht that the
saidis Minister and eldaris will procede be public edictes to actes judicial!
as salbe nedefull in the said caus to the finall sentence geving and that
James Brande and Alane Steill witnes be produced in the meantyme
and examinated ad futuram rei memoriam propter metum mortis aut alius
diutine absentia.
Mandant et prsecipiunt minister et seniores ecclesiai Christiana apud

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