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The Depositiones of witnes produced be Alex* Adie against Besse Myllar
togidder Alex' Adies awin confessioun in presence of Minister and
eldaris maid.
Beatrice Buge sister to Johne Buge wricht and cietiner of this Cietie
being sworne and examinate be hir great aith sworne sche knawes na
thing of talking of manage betuix Alex r Adie and Besse Myllar and
being demandet quhidder give sche ever hard Besse Myllar discharge
ony promise of manage maid be Alex r Adie Sche says sche hard never
hir say that sche had ony promise of manage of him nor yit discharge
ony promise bott vpoun the harvesd field sche being scorned with
vtheris sche said quhat scorne ye me with Alex r Adie 1 haif not ado with
him God send him ane gude wyfe or ellis never ane And as to Marioun
Ogilvy that nicht that Marioun wes handfast with Alex r Adie the de-
ponar past to Dauid Colingis hows and Marioun desyred Besse Millar
to gang and drink with hir father and Besse Miller said forsuith Marioun
I will nocht gang with yovv I haif nocht to say to yow mekle joy mott
ye haif of him and sche knawis na forthir.
Confessio Alexander Adie — Alex r Adie confesis that he knew never of
Besse Millar bot sche wes ane maden and he never maid promise to hir
nor never gaif hir gayr nor yet tuke gayr fra hir.
Die vigesimo quinto Aprilis 1560. — The quhilk day the cause of Alex r
Adie against Besse Millar suseitate and newlie walkynnet as haifand the
desyre to mak diligence for Johne Ewene witnes named be Alex r Adie
for the probatioun of his bill. Johne Ewene being produceit sworne and
examinate the Minister and eldaris hais statute Thurisday the secund
dav of Maij to pronunce in presence of parties warned to that day.
Followis the tennour of Johne Ewenes depositioun.
Johne Ewene witnes produced for Alex r Adie against Besse Millar

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