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examined, the noblemen being in great miscontentment for the quantitie
of the taxatioun, whairvpon they entred in dealing to draw with thame
all the barrones and so many burrowes as thay could, to diminish the
quantitie, and, as wes reported, sent for noblemen to cum to the towne
and incres thair number.
Vpon the 20 day, the Commissionar and Noblemen, being togidder,
and so miscontent with the taxatioun, that thay wer of intention to send
two of thair number to Court to debait that mater, and rather to dissolue
the parliament nor give way to the taxatioun. The more stayed sort
thought it more fit to prepare sum course of mitigation ; for which pour-
pose sending for sum prelatis and officers of estatt, and making that motion
to thame, four of everie estait and foure officers wer ordaned to convene,
who treating all that day could not agrie vpon any midds all that day,
whilk wes spent in that committee without any meeting vpon the articles.
And of new conveining vpon the 21 day, whan maters wer in termes
of such extremitie as the erle of Mar and Lord Burlie did offer to ryde
to Court to debait the mater, if the Bischop of Glasgow and Secretar
wald do the lyke. In end the Marqueis of Hamilton declared that he
wald consent to twentie thousand punds sterling, which being imbraced
be all, thay convened vpon the Articles, and all in ane voce voted to that
sowme, and having also passed the act of remanding.
Vpon the 22 day, sum few generall actis and ane great number of ra-
tifications wer exped in articles, and that day wairning wes maid be pro-
clamation that the Estates wald ryde, and the Parliament conclude vpon
the morne.
23 October 1612. The Commissionar being airlie in the Abbay, the
Estaites went downe, conveyed him with solemnitie to the Towbuith as

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