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bellious thevis and lymmaris of the Clangregour to continew in thair
thevishe doingis hes bene the conforte and supplee whilk thay have
found in sindrie pairtis of the incuntrey fra the whiche thay ar weele
provydit and furnist with poulder bullett and armour ; And wheras thay
dar not come thame selffis to buy armour, the same is bocht to thair
use be uther heylandmen to the grite hinder of his Majesties service
Thairfoir the Lordis of Secreit Counsaill Ordanis letters to be direct to
Command charge and inhibite all and sindrie his Majesties liegis and
subjectis inhabitantis within the burrowis of Perthe Striviling Glasgu
Dumbartane and Inuemis be opin proclamatioun at the mercat croceis
of the saidis burrowis That nane of thame presume nor tak upon hand
to sell ony kynd of armour to ony highlandmen bot be the knowledge
and advise of suche speciall personis within every one of the saidis bur-
rowis as salbe appointit to that effect be his Majesties Lieutennent, to
the effect it may be cleirlie knowne and understand that the said armour
is not to the use nor behoofe of the Clangregour as thay will ansuir upon
the contrarie at thair heiehest perrill.
The Lordis of Secreit Counsell for the better furtherance of his Ma-
jesties service aganis the Clangregour Gevis power and commissioun to
Archibald erll of Argyll his Majesties Lieutennent Justice and Com-
missionair aganis the Clangregour to charge suche personis within the
schirefdome of Perth whom he in his honnour and conscience sail think
to be favouraris resettaris or assisteris of the Clangregour to transporte
thameselffis to the shirrefdomes of FyfFe Striviling or Forfar and to re-
main thair for the space of tua monethis.
The Lordis Ordanis ane Missive Lettir to be written to Sir John
Moncreif to cause the house of Garthe be delyverit to the Lieutennent.
The Lordis Ordanis Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenurquhy knight
who wes personallie present to delyver Allaster M c Gorie presentlie
being in his handis to the Lieutennent.

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