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210 . LIBER ECCLESIE sec. xvi.
Gift to Den Henry Abercromby Prior of fixtene pundis yearly •
233. Be It kend till all men be Jjir pnt Ires Ws Patrik be pe mercy of God
bifchope of Moray comendatar of J)e abbay of fcone and couent Jjairof
cliaptourlie gadderit weill and rypelie avyfit pe vtilite and profEt of ws
and oure faid abbay foirfene w' niature delibera°un haid ])airvpon And
als havand confidera°un of ]>e feruent zeill trew afald gryte laubouris
and guid feruice done to ws alfweill in oure teniporale affaris as in fpi-
rituale cuiris Be oure weilbelouit bruther Den Henry Abircromby
pryo' of oure faid abbay ffor pe perpetuale weill and comodite of ws
and our faid place continewalie fra his gowtheid be Jie fpace of fifty
geris bypafl and w' pe mair Quhairby his age approcheis And to pe
effeft" pat he fairfor may be thankfullie payit in all tymes ciiing during
his lyftyme of fextene pundis vfuale money of pis realme ^eirlie at tua
termes in ])e geir Witfonday and Mertimes in winter be equale portionis
fyve boUis quhyte fevintene bollis beir, and fex bollis ait meill geirlie
betuix 3^ile and Candilmes as vf^ is of payment J)airof furth of our tounis
and landis refpedliue vnderfpecifeit and J)at as for his haill chanonis
preiftis portioun of ]>e faid abbay We haue gevin grantit affignit and
difponit to pe faid Den Henry all and haill pe forfaid money and vi6tuale
for his faid portioun abonewritin Togidder w' his chalmeris \Tider and
abone w'in ]>e almarland cIof> and ]>e gaird ]5ntlie inhabitat be him w'in
our faid abbay Quhilkis chalmeris wes haillelie fpoliit ruinat and dif-
troyit pe tyme of pe deflruftiouii of our faid place And now of new
bigit and reparit agane be pe faid Den Henry vpon his awin expenfis
ffor all ]>e dayis of his lyftyme And for fure pajTnent of his forfaid
portioun money and viduale We be ])e tenour heirof for ws and our
fuccefTouris gevis grantis and aflignis in fpeciale to ]>e faid Deu Henry
J)e faid sextene pundis money to be tane reffauit and \i)Iiftit geirlie

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