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with evir mening the dew obediance of the Princes to be
mentenit be thame, thair bodye and gudis, at thair uter
powars : Requering alswa the samyn of zou, and that zou
will adjoine zou with thame unfenziet, as thai sail with zou,
to the furthsetting of Godis trew Wortle and dew obediance
of the Prince, as said is ; and that ze will heir plainlie, and
in all tymes cummyng, tak upon zou the mantenance and
defence of the samyn ; and swa mony of zou as will glaidly
consent heirto, to byncl and obleis zou, be uphalding of zour
handis, and to send thame zour names in writt."
29th Julij 1559. — The quhilk day, in presens of the Pro-
vest, Baillies, ane part of the Counsall, Dekynnis, and ane
greit number of the communitie, comperit the nobill and
mythty Lordis, viz. James Duke of Catelheraulte, Erie
of Arrane, &c. Erie Huntlie, &c. and Jhone Lord
Erskein, and declairit, That anent the appointment maid
betwix thame as Commissionaris for our Soverane Lady
Queine Marie Dowriar and Regent of this Realm, and the
Lordis of the Congregatioun, the day of Julij instant,
it wes appointit and contenit thairin that the town of Edin-
burgh sould without compulsion uis and cheis quhat religioun
and maner thairof thai pleisit to the tent day of Januar nixt
to cum, swa that every man may have fredome of his con-
science unto the said day. For satefeing of the quhilk
artikle, it wes the Quenis Grace's will that the inhabitants
of the burgh wer convenit, and every ane to be examined
quhat religioun he wald be of, and that religioun to be
mainteneid to the said day that the greitast number con-
sentit to ; and desyrit the communitie present, quhider thai
wald voit severallie, or remit the samyn to the voitis of the
Provest, Baillies, Counsall, and Dekynnis, as lies bein usit in
ordour taking of civill causis befor. And thairefter com-
perit Adame Foullertoun, for himself and in name and be-
half of the haill Brethir of the Congregatioun within this
town, being personallie present, and presentit to the saidis
Lordis the Supplicatioun efter following; and the samyn
being red and considerit be thame, desyrit the Supplicatioun
to be insertit in thair bukis, of the quhilk the tenour fol-
low is : — •■ My Lordis, unto zour Lordschipis humlie meinis and
schawls the faytfull Brethren of the Congregatioun within

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