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Erie of Arane, Erie of Ergile, and Erie of Levinax, 1 for the
temporalitie, sail be Lordis of the Secrete Oounsale, to steir,
execute and put furth the Kingis autoritie, in all matteris
concerning the honour and wele of our Soverane Lordis Per-
sone, the commonwele of his Realme and liegis, and materis
betwixt Realme and lleahne, and in all other materis, as
heirafter followis in particular, the Queinis Grace being
principale, and ane of the samen, as od persone ; and that
nathing be done without thair aviss thereto, according to the
saidis Articklis and Statutis thairupon, the Queinis Grace
being principale, and ane of the samen as od person, as
said is.
25. February, 1524-5. — It is divisit, statut, and ordanit,
be the thre Estatis in this present Parliament, That the
Kingis Grace maist noble Persone be remufit furth of the
Castell of Edinburgh to the Abbay, for resonable causis
moving the saids thre Estatis ; quhilks declaris, that this
conventioun and lying about the Castell at this tyme, was
and is for the surtie of the Kingis Persone, and common
wele of his Realm, and na cryme sail be imput to ony per-
sone tharfor.
Same day. — It is devisit, statut, and ordanit, That there
be chosin be the Counsale chosin be the thre Estatis, Lordis
and Gentilhnen as beis thought by them to vaik daly and
nytlie with the Kingis Grace alway, the Queinis Grace beand
principale Kepar, and sche to resort and remane with him
at hir plesur, and nought remufit therefra ; providing that
his Grace be nought transportit furth of the Realm, under
the pain of cryme of lese majestie to the doaris, assistaris,
and consentaris thereto ; and that his Grace sail be remufit
fra place to place within the Realme, be aviss of the Queinis
Grace, and Lordis chosin be the thre Estatis, or thair deput
be them thereto, sche beand ay principale, as said is.
17- July 1525. 2 — Thir are the Lordis chosin to remane
with the Kingis Grace quarterlie, as efter followis, that is
to say, fra this day furth quhill all Hallowmess nixt to come,
the Archbischop of Glasgow and Erie of Anguss, and with
1 [.Matthew Stuart, fourth Earl of Lennox, and afterwards Regent,
father of Henry Lord Darnley, who married Queen Mary. — E.]
- [Acta Pari. 8eot. folio, vol. ii. p. 294, 295.— E.]

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