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(28) Page xvi -
wliich wero tlirown down by a violent storm at Kinloss, early in tlie last
century, exposed to view, under their roots, a carefully laid jiavement,
after the fashion which is now used by the most skillful gardeners, to
prevent the roots from penetrating too deep. It is certain, from some
notes and memoranda still preserved at Kilravock, that the successive
framers of the modern garden thcro, wlio were zealous j)Ianters and
gardeners, about the beginning of the last century, and procurcd many fruit
Thom daweson band qf manrent Sfce.
At tlie Castell of Dumberten the xi <!a}- of
Jime, in the ^-er of God I" v*^ & xxxvj yeris,
it is appunctit and concordit betuix honorabill
men, that is to to say buchon ros of kilraw-
ok on the ta part, and thom daueson, burges
of paslay on the tother part, in maner, forrae,
aud efFect as eftir followis. That is to say,
thom dauidson, and ane servand man with
Lyme, is cummyn raan and servand to the said
hucboun for ane yeyr within his hous ; and the
said thom sall werk and lawbour to the said
bucboun bis yardis, gardingis, orcbardis, ayles,
heggingis, and stankis, and all werkis perten-
ing to ane gardner to do to siclyk thiugis of the
best fassoun may be deuisit. And for the
verkin of the sarayn, the saidis huchouu sall geif
to the said thome aud to his servand, tbar meit
dayly, and four penneis ilk werk day that t!ie
said thonie verkis to the said huchoun, and ane
merk of fe to his scrvand for tbe forsaid yer.
And als, tho said tborae dauesoun is becummyn
man fra the said yer furtht to tlie said huch-
oun for all tlie dayis of the said thome lyftyme,
geif tlie said buchoun plosis to bald lij-me for
ane gardner, the said buchoun gewand to the
said tbome yerly for bis seruice tiiat raay sus-
tene hyme boncstlye as ws is to be gewin to
sic craftis raen be ressoun, &c.
Lochloi/ yardeners contract.
Att Inschocli tbe 12 day of Sep. 10 7 2, it is
agreit and finallie condescendit belwix tlie ry'
honorabil Jobn Hayof Lodiloyon the aue pairt,
and Georg Taylour gardiner at Alter on the
otlier pairt, in maner, forra, and effect as after
folowis The said George Tailyour
bindis andobbgis liimtoperforme these sewerall
duties wuderwritin, viz. to witt, to labor the said
yeards and put tliera in a new frame, with a
flour yeard, alies, bordis, arbors, greine or gra-
velt waks or blak as tbe owner thinks fitt ;
And to nurse and bring wp young treis for tbe
furnishiiig of tbe said yeards and orcbardis, aud
to furnish the hous suficienthe \\i\X\ kell, herbs
and roots, as cai'ots, turnips, pasneips, pitatos
aud cromalls if tbe grund will yeild them after
suficient pains taken be tbe said George, fur-
nisbing the said hous as (my lord brodics or)
anie the bli; in the cuntre, and likwyse to mak
use of all neidful poyntis belonging to a gardiner
for upbolding of tlie said yeard, as planting,
grafting, setting, and weiding, atl these tbings
tymousle and cairful}' botli iu seting the samen
and sowen tbem ; tlie outlandisli seids tbat
cannot be win be tbe said George to be coft
be the said John Hav.

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