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Oct. 1613. THE SYNOD OF FIFE. 71
mitted to the Sacrament of the Lordis Supper, vntill lie be formallie ab-
folved from excommunicatioun be the Kirk of Scotland.
ErroU. — Ancnt the Earlo of Erroll, who lyes as yet excommunicate, it
is concludit, that for winning him, if it be poffible, he falbe requyred to
heir conferens of fuch brethren as falbe appoynted thairto, repair to the
heiring of the Word and publift prayeris of the Kirk, and vpon the per-
formans of the faidis conditiounes, his excommunicatioun to be difpenfed
with in the effeftis and coniequentis : vtherwayes, vpon his refuifall of
the premiffes, it is concludit, that his Majeftie be dealt with to remove him
aff the countrey, and executing vjjon him, as is prefcryved in the aftis of
Parliament ; as alfo, that ftraitt inhibitioune be renewit to all perfons
that thei relbrt nocht vnto him. And to this effeft, Mrs. Patrik Linde-
fay and Robert Howie ar ordained to attend him on Thurfday next, and
to deall with him as faid is ; and incais thei premove nothing, my Lord
Archbifliop is to adverteis the Exercifes with diligens, that the excom-
niunicatione may be intimat of new.
Craig/ialL — Item, thei ar ordained to conveine befoir thamo the Laird
of Craighall, and charge [him] vnder paine of cenfures of the Kirk, to
cans his children repair to the kirk and refaue the facrament.
Gichf. — My Lord Archbifliop reportit, that the Laird of Gicht hes en-
terit in dealing with the Kirk, for his refolutioun is confyned be the Lordis
of High Commiflioune to remaine within St. Andros, and conferre with
certaine brethren nominate for that efte6t vntill Candlemes next ; and in-
cais of his nocht refolutioune at the faid day, found cautioune vnder the
paine of ten thowfand merkis to pas aff the countrey. Quhairvpon thei had.
in thairfaid commiflioune, fufpendit his excommunicatioun to thelliid day.
A. Aiijtruther. — The Exerceis of Kirkaldie haue gifFen no dittay againft
Agnes Anfl;ruther, fufpe6t of witchcraft. They ar ordainit to colled what
thei may haue, and fend the fame, with thair moderatour and ane of thair
lirethren, within 15 dayes, to my Lord Archbifliop.
KUmanie. — Anent the mans of Kilmanie, Thair being fonie of the pa-
rochinaris who offer to contribute for building the fame, the minifl;er is
advyfed to tak what 'he may haue be that meane ; and in the meantyme
is ordainit to be infl;ant in the work himfelf.

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