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38 THE SYNOD OF FIFE. Sept. 1611.
Kirk dykes. — Item, it is ftatute that evrie brother fall vrge the repara-
tioune of the kirk-yaird dykes, according to the Aft of Parliament, and
produce thair diligens at the Synode foirfaid.
Bibles. — The brethren, particularlie in thair tryell, being enquyred, re-
ported that according to the ordinans of Synode immediatelie preceiding,
thei had dealt with thair parochinaris for caufing thame buy ane com-
moune Byble for ilk kirk. In the quhilk thei wer ordained to infill,
as thei falbe redy to report thair diligens vpon thair confciens the next
Plnralitie of Kirkes. — Item, the Synode appoynted and concludit, that
regard falbe had of the pluralitie of kirkes ; that quhairas (prayfed be
God) thair ar findries quhom God had indewit with good graces, and pre-
parit and inabled for the miniftrie, and yet ar nocht imployed, the way be
not Hopped to thame to enter into the holy miniftrie, be continowing one
man in the fervice of moe kirkes, quhilk may comniodiouflie be fevered.
Ea^erccis, Coupar. — Item, it wes appoynted that my Lord Archbilliop fall
deall with the Kings INIajeftie, that the Exerceis of Coupar for the prefent
(at his Hienes will) fitting in Falkland, may be broght againe to Coupar.
Briq, Perth. — Item, that his Lordfliip fall deall with his Majeftie or
Counfell, as falbe thocht meiteft, that fome further help and fubfidie may
be obteinit to the reparatioune of the Brig of Tay at Perth.
Harborie of Arbroth. — Item, the brethren of the Exerceis of Arbroth
being enquyred, declared, that the Magiftrates and Burgh [of] Arbroth,
have maid good progres in the reparatioune of thair harborie for fliippes,
and bellow gryt expenfis, and tak travell daylie in the faid work ; fa that
thair is evidens that the fame falbe profitablie finiflied. Quhairfoir it wes
concludit, that fa many of the brethren, quhois parochinaris have nocht as
yet contributed to the foirfaid work, falbe inftant with thame for obtein-
ing fupport thairto.
what slander and contempt has arissin to the eclesiasticall estait of this kingdome, by tlie oc-
casioun of the hcht and vndecent apparell vscd by some of tliat professioun, and chieflie these
having vote in Parliament, it is therefoir statute, that euerie preacheour of Goddis word, sail
heireftir wear blak, grave and comelie apparel, beseeming men of their estait and conditioun."
And King James, shortly afterwards, appointed them to wear black gownes while perfonning
divine service, or attending Church courts.

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