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Wpoun the famyne day, the quenis majeftie being in Dunbar, gart
mak ane proclamatioun in all pairtis about hir, to cum and meit hir at
Muffilburgh vpone the xv day of the faid moneth, at aucht in the
mornyng, and promittit if fho bruikit hir lyif, Iho fhould be vpoun the
xv day foirfaid in Leith or in Edinburgh, in contrair the willis and
myndis of the lordis foirfaidis.
Vpoun the faid fourtene day of Junij, at ten houris befoir none, the
quenis majeftie and hir folkis, accumpanyit with ane greit number of
folkis, come fra Dunbar towart Seytoun, and remaynit thair vnto the
xv day of the faid moneth, quhilk wes londay. And vpoun the famin
fourtene day, at ellevin houris at evin, word come to the lordis being
in Edinburgh, that the quenis majeftie and hir fpous and thar army was
cummand vpoun thame, ather to caus thame depairt the faid toun or
els to fecht thairfoir. The famyn being reherfit to the faidis lordis, thaj
caufit convene thair folkis togidder with greit diligence, depairtit furth
of the faid toun on feit to meit hir in feir of weir, ather to revenge hir
vmquhile hufbandis flauchter, or ellis all adtiounis to die. And or thaj
culd be weill inftru6lit, the quenis grace wes come to [ ] bray
with hir folkis ; and the lordis maid greit haift quhill thaj come to Mag-
dalene brig at Muffilburgh, and thair the tua armies being in vtheris
ficht, ftraw continewallie fra v houris on the mornyng quhill xij houris
aganis vtheris, to haue the preeminance and adwantage of the fone ; and
thairefter the lordis ftrawe fua for the lone, that thaj paffit to Coufland,
and the quenis grace and hir army remaynit vpone the heicht of Car-
barry hill, quhair thaj lay quhill aucht houris at evin. And efter lang
Ipeitche paffand betuix thame, the lordis condifcendit aither to haue the
quenis hufband and hirfelf deliuerit to thame, or ellis to haffert thair
lyves ; and paffand fordwart to fecht our fouerane ladie, hir majeftie
caufit hir hulband to depairt towart Dunbar, and fho on frie will
come to my lord Home, quha wes on the wangaird ; and fua the

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