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to pas and repas quhair he pleiffis, provyding he refort nocht within tna
myllis towart the court.
Vpoun the famin day, fchir Johne Bellendene of Auchnoule, knycht,
wes permittit to come to Edinburgh be our foueranis, and come thair to
the faid day, to purge himfelf of art and part coimfall or affiltance of the
fiauchter of vmquhile feingeour Dauid, in prefens of the fecreit counfall.
And i'ua he did, and wes fund clene of the famyn be the faid counfall.
Vpoun the nyntene day of Junij, the geir of God foirfaid, James
prince of Scotland was borne in the caftell of Edinburgh of his moder.
Eftir his birth, all the artailgerie of the caftell fchot, and banefyris wer
i'ett furth in all pairtis for joy of the famyn.
Vpoun the fevint day of October 1566 geiris, our fouerane ladie,
accumpanyit with the nobilitie of this realme, depairtit af Edinburgh
towartis Jedburgh, to bald ane juftice air thair, quhilk wes proclamit to
be haldin thair vpoun the audit day of the famyn moneth.
Vpoun the famyn day, James erle Bothwell, lord Hailis of Crych-
toun, being fend be our foueranis to bring in certane thevis and male-
faclouris of Liddifdaill to the juftice air, to be pvneift for thair deme-
ntis, and he being ferchand the feildis about the Hermitage, eftir that
he had takin certane of the faidis thevis, and had put thame in the place
of the faid Hermitage in prefoun, chancit vpone ane theif callit Johne
Eluat of the park. And efter he had takin him, the faid Johne fpeirit
gif he wald faif his lyff ; the laid erle Bothwill laid gif ane affyifs wald
mak him clene, he wes hertlie contentit, bot he behuvit to pas to the
quenis grace. The faid Johne heirand thaj wordis, ilipis fra his horfe
to have rvne away ; bot in the lychting, the faid erle fchot him with
ane dag in the body, and lychtit doun to haue taken him agane ; and
followand feirfelie vpoun the faid theif, the faid erle flipit ower ane
fouch, and tomblit doun the fame, quhair throw he was fa hurt that
he fwownit. The laid Johne perfaueand himfelf fchot, and the erle

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