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well, inunlpred, I. * 99 ; — MacDonald, Gil-
lespie, Maclimes, Dow, &c. Iianged, II. ilf) ;
Mac'DoniioiKJ, Ja , I. * 441 ; — MatGillicvo-
riclie, Petrie, lianged, III. 230 ; — MatCiras-
syclit, Jo., I. * 441 ; — MacCiivjiois, see Mac-
Giegor, and Slau'jliter ;— MacKie, AUaster,
tried for Keiff, &c., alonj; with the Laiid of
MacGiegor, II. 413; liaii-ed, 414;— Mac-
Lean of Dowart, Laiu-lilan, I. Ji54 ; — Mac-
Oueill of Dunnievaisr, An^us, I. 224 ; — Neil-
souN of Assint, Donald and Neil, his son,
III. 489 ;— Nicolsoune, (Nukilsouiie,) Wil-
liam, II. 363, aiquitted, ib.; — Okmestoune
of that Ilk, Ja., Murder of K. Henky, (Darn-
ley,)I.*489, his Confession, &c., *oll; Hob,
uncle to the Laird, Darnley's Murder, I. *
489 ;— Park, Ja., III. 495 ; — Paterson, Geo ,
I. * 426 ; — Peebles, alias Pardoun, Marioun,
194, murdered corpses bleed on her touch, ib. ;
— Pennycuik, Jo., hanged, and right hand
struck ofi; 372;— Pollok, (Powok,) Hugh
and Archibald, beheaded. I. * 81 ; Jonet, 186;
.^Powrie, \\ m., hanged and quartered for K.
Henry, (Darnley's,) Murder. 1. * 490; his
Depositions, * 493, &c. ; his Confession,
*500 ; — Pratt, Isab., hanged, 371; — Quhite,
Wm., David Riccio's Murder, I. « 483 ;—
Ramsay, Jo., hanged and decapitated, S:c.,
II. 404 ; of Pryour Lethame, Jo., Incest and
Murder, III. 257 ; — Reoche, Ja., beheaded,
III. 484 ; — Robertsoune, Alex., the Murder
of David Riccio, I. * 486 ; — Roise of Dun-
ekellie, William, beheaded, II. 481 ;— Ross,
Jonet, heiress of Craigie and Kinfawns, burnt
for the Murder of her husband, brother to the
Laird of Balhou.ssie, II. 409, and note; —
Sawlie, Jonet, and Lady Ullishaven, (in state
of pregnancy,) murdered, I. * 344 ; — Schaw,
Christian, Murder of Regent Murray, I. 23;
— Scott of Cambusniichaell, Tho., hanged,
drawn, and quartered for David Riccio's Mur-
der, I. * 478 ;— Sinclair, Ja., III. 498;—
Spens, Alex., beheaded, II. 76 ; — Stanfield,
Philip, III. 196; hanged in chains, &c., 197 ;
— Steill, John, called Kenipy, hanged, I.
* 126 ; — Stewart, Pat., beheaded for atrocious
Murder, &e., II. 393 ; Jo. son to Ja., L. Doun,
beheaded for Murder under trust. III. 74; —
Stirling, Helen, Lady Ullishaven and her ser-
vant murdered by her son, I. * 344 ; — Swan,
Jo., beheaded, II. 542; — Sympill (Sempill,)
Lord Jo., I.*163;Wm.,Lord, * 164,* 166;
Sir John, I. * 163 ;— Robert, Master of, I.
* 163, * 166; — To.MsouNE,Issob., Child Mur-
der, hanged, II. 540 ; — Tod, William, be-
headed, I. * 355 ; Geo., Murder of David
Riccio, * 486 ;— Trumble, Tho. and Walt.,
I. 77 ; And., 85 ; — Tulliallan, Laird of, be-
headed, I. * 151 ; — Ullishaven, Lady, &c..
Murdered, I. * 344 ; — Villour, Sebastian
de, * Murder of K. Henry, (Darnley,)
escapes, I. * 490 ; — Waldy, Wm., hanged, I.
* 344 ;— Wardlaw, Marion, II. 423 ;— Wat-
son, Ja., Murder under trust, hanged, II.
540; —Weir, Beatrix, HI. 68 ; Peter beheaded,
123 ; Bessie beheaded, 472 ; — Wemyis, And.,
beheaded and quartered, I. * 84 ; — Wilsoune,
Pat., Murder of K. Henry, (Darnley,) f.
* 489 ; Cristian, (alias the Lanthorne,') III.
194 ; a murdered corpse bleeds on her touch,
195 ; — Wright, William, decapitated with a
sword, I. * 424 ; — Yair, Henry, murder of
David Riccio, I. * 481 ; hanged, drawn, and
quartered, * 482 ; — Young, Ja., David Ric-
cio's Murder, I. * 484 ; Jo. hanged, 85.
Murder, remarkable Bond betwixt Earl and Mas-
ter of Cassillis, for the Murder of the Laird of
Auchindrayne, HI. 622.
Ordeals for discovery of. III. 183 ; supersti-
tions as to touching the corpses of INlurdered
persons, 143, 165, 182, (Src. ; Bar-recht or law
of the bier, 183 ; form of the ceremonial, 184 ;
Trials where touching was founded upon, 191.
, treasonable, or under trust. See Murder
under colour of law. III. 399, 418, &c.
See also under Murder.
Murderer, setting free a, I. * 208.
Murdoch of Camlodden, Pat., mutilated, II. 492;
—of that Ilk, Tho., I. * 138 ; Pat., HI. 328 ;
— alias MacKie, Wm., Mass Priest, chained
at the cross for two hours, and then all his
' Popische baggadge bruut,' and he banished
for life, II. 530.

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