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aud remanent Capitanes ofm% Inglishe fleitt, and efpecialie with liim wha is prefent Governour
of bir, wiia be painfull experience kiiawis, and bes declairit to ws, how difBcile it is to keepe hirfaiff,
vncaffia away, lett bee to do ony good office with bir, I haif thoclit good to crave your 11. aduife,
qubidder ilio falbe direct bak agane to England, with all expedition, as we think all expedient — or
yf llio fall be continewit heir — and to what vfe, and bow llio ialbe furneifl — for we knaw not. As
to the Ibip caryare of the batterie and infiruraentis appertening tbairto, albeit we tliiuk not meit to
keepe the ftiip heir, bot remit bir bak with the gallay, for bir better prefervation, yit, for fundrie cauflis
tending to the forder and finall ending of tiiis fervice, we think it expedient to keep the munition with the
inftrumentis, the quhilk I fall fie to be put in fie fiiritie, as I falbe anfwerable to His Ma'''^ and your II.
Thir tbingis I haif tboght good to commvnicat vnto 50ur 11., imparting vnto 5owr 11. oure opinioun
heir, and craving your 11. forder refolutioun in tbe premifles, qubilk I think, God willing, to follow
furth. Vpoun the 16 of this inftant, I directit Commifiionaris to the Honfe of Doioart, quliairin
M'^Clayne haueing his refidence for the tyme, promefit to delyuer the Houfe ; tbe qubilk be did
vpoun tbe 17 of this inftant. I refTaveing the fame, bes furneift witli men and viveris that Houfe to
be keipit during his Ma^'='^ and :;our 11. pleafour. I liaif proclamit Courte to be baldin, the xxiij of
this inftant, in Arrqfe of iluLL, when I think, be Godis grace, to tak ordour with jiat Yland, in exe-
cutioun of ]>at pairt of my Commiffioun, in diftroying of lumfaddis,' birlingis,- and Hieland gallayis.
I find this ane gryte difficultye, that in refpect of the great nomber of theis valbellis, qubilkis ar
intertenyit vpoun the mayne-flioir, qubilkis ar fo offenfive to the Y/lifmen, that onles tbay keepe the
lyk counter with Jiame, tbay can not efchaip thair oppreflioun, nather can I juftlie fpoil^ie fame jiairof,
vnles the lyk ordour be tane with thefe that ar vpoun the mayne-llioir, oppofith to the North and
West Yllis ; and thairfoir, yf it wald pleis ^our 11. to gif me lyk pouer and Commiffioun, for the
aboleilhing of fie vafi-'bellis vpoun the mayne-lboir, as I haue with in the Yllis, I fall do aecordinglie
â– with boith. The qubilk Commiffioun I expect, with diligence ; into tbe qubilk Commillioun, I wald
defyre your 11. to include tbe intaking and affedgeing and diraoleilheing of all fie Houflis vpoun the
niayne-fciioir, apperteneing to ony Yllifman, or that may be ayd or relfett to ony fugitiue rebell out
of THE Ylles.
I will not trouble ^our 11. with farder Letteris qubill mair occafioun be oflferit ; bot, requeifting 50ur
11. to bairt bak anfuei-, becaus I can not depairt out of this Yll, witboute relfett of tbe fame, I reft,
Be lOur 11. alwife to be commandit,
Dowart, in Mull, 18 Auguft, 1608. A. Vchiltrie.
VI. Letter, t/ie Privy Council to the King. Oct. 6, 1608.
Most sacred Souerayne,
This Nobleman, the Lord Vchiltrie, whome it pleafit your heynes to prefer to tbe charge of Leu-
tennandrie of the Yllis of this your Maieftois kingdorae, hes, with verie greate cair, pane, and
travellis, and with greate hafaird of bis perfone, broght that feruice to ane goode perfectioun, by the
entrie and exhibitioun befoir ws of a noumer of tbe principallis and Chiftanes of the Ylles ; and by
bis awne promeis and Band, to mak fome otheris of thame, wliome he hes not prefentit, anfuerable
and obedyent ; as mair particularlie be will informe your facred Ma'"''^. And fua, recommending him
to your Maiefteis gratious regaird and confideratioun, We pray God to bliffe your facred Maieftie
with all happynes, and reftis for evir,
Y'our Maiefteis moll liumble and obedyent fubiectis and feraitouris,
Al. Cancell\ Argyll. Craford. Bukclughe. Abercorne. Blantyre.
Edinburgh, 6 October, 1608.
To THE KiNGis moft excellent Maiestif:.
' Lymphads. ' A birJin is a small sort of vessel, peculiar to the Western Islands of Scotland.

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