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Stol)0, fiiitli of tlie Hammer-bank, callit tlie Braid-llak-lieid, in tlie monetli of November, 1G07 5eins.
Item, ffor airt and pain of ibe Ileilling fra Patrik iSIatbiefone, in Harro, of ane quliyte 30W,' furth of
Jie <rrund of Harro, in tlie monetli of December, 1C07 jeiris. Item, for dryveing to ane buclit' at ]ie
Blak-liill-ltell, in Harro-lieid, of audit ;owis, pertening to .lolinne Alexander, in Harro-iieid : And ffor
the thiftious clipping of tlie faid audit fclieip, and lleiUing and away-taking of tlie liaill aucbt fleiffes
of woll; committit in tlie monetli of Junij, 1G02. Item, ffor airt and pairt of the (leilling, cutting-
doun, and away-taking of tuelf grit allour-treyis,' furtli of Uawik-woid, in the moneth of Auguft,
1C07 ;eiris. iTENr, ffor airt and pairt of the iNIurtliour and Slauchter of Matliiefone, his
fpoufe, be llriking her in dyiierl'e pairtis of liirbody, quhairof llbo deceitiit faireftir. Item, ffor Cow-
mone Tiiift, Cowmone Reffet of Tbift, outputting and inputing of Tbift fra land to land, fra cuntrie
to cuntrie, baitli of auld and new.
Persewar, Sir Thomas Haramiltoun of Byres, kny', Aduocat to our fouerane lord.
Prelocutouris fur the pannell, Mr Laurence IM'gill and Mr Dauid Aytoun, Aduocatis.
It is allegit, that the pannell aucht to half bene citet vpone xv dayis wairn-
ing. It is anfiierit, audit to be repellit, in refpect the pannell is brocht furth of
waird to the Bax' ; quha lies bene wairdit this foui'e monethis for the crymes
lybellit. — It is allegit that Jolinne Mathicfonc can nocht pas vpone this Affyfe,
becaus he is pairtie and vpgeter of the Dittay, and is Conftable, to quhonie the
allegit fpeiches was vtterit. Aucht to be repellit, in refpect of the perfute at the
inftance of the JNIinifter of Dawik, quha perfe^vit the pannell afoir the Counfell,
for injurie done ; and the faid Johnne Mathiefone was alredie reffauit Witnefs,
and exaniinat be the Counfell ; and fa may be ane AlTylbur.''
Johnne Mathiefone, Conftable of the parocbln of Stobo ; James Ruflell, Conftable thair;
James Rammage, Conftable thair ; Johnne Reidfdiaw in Wefter Hoprew ; Adanie Ruirdl, fmyth thair.*
The Aduocat, for verificatioun of the Dittay, &c., producet ane Decreit of the
Lordis of Secreit Counfell, finding the fpeiches aboue writtin to be cleirlie pro-
vin; and proteftit for Wilfull Erroui', in caife tliay Acquit. — The pannell aflvit
inftrumentis, that nane conipeir to fweir the Dittay.
Verdict. The AfTyfe, all in ane voce, be the mouth of the faid Jolinne Ma-
thefone, chanceller, ffand, pronuncet, and declairit the laid ^Villiame Tuedie to
be ffylit, culpable, and convict of the fclanderus, reprocheful, and vnreuerent
fpeeches vtterit be him agaiiis his INIaieftie, his hienes Secreit Counfell and Juf-
tices of the peace, in maner fpecifeit and contenit in the firft Article of his Dit-
tay, and Decreet of the Lordis of Secreit Counfell, producet, for verificatioun
thairof : And as to the remanent crymes aboue writtin, contenit in the faid Dit-
tay, fland, pronuncet, and declairit the faid AVilliame to be Cleane, innocent, and
acquit thairof. — Quhairvpone the faid Williame afkit inftrumentis.
' Ewe. ' ' Ewe-huchi,' a pen or fold, where sheep are sheltered at night. ^ The alter
or aider-tree. ■■ The admission of this person and his fellow-Constables, was contrary to every
princijile of justice ; and very strongly shows iiow extremely arbitrary the proceedings of the Court
were, at this period. ' Ten other names are inserted, but they were persons of no note.

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