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eevo vou tua pleilges, wliilkis falbe fent unto you with diligonco ; to wit, my eldell lone, and my awin
onlio brotlier !;priiiain : Thole tua may bo keapit heir be your freyndis, till ye cum laiflie bak agayne.'
Madayne hering this offer, wliilk apperit unto liim voyd of all fufpicioun, gave credence, and Co de-
cretit to pas with him to Kiiityre; and forder to teftefie that bayth he fimplie belovit all to be trew,
and that upoun hoip of gude freyndlliip to coiitinew, be thocht expedient toretene a onlie pledge, and
that was Angus his brother, and wald cary witii binifelf his awin nevoy the fone of Angus. Whether
he did tliis to lave hinilelf fra lufpicion of daynger, !is apperantlie of the event he did it, or geve he
broclit him bak agayne upon liberall favour, I will not difpule ; beeaus I iiave tauld you afore the
perfyt nature and qnaloteis of tliais Illandis people ; yit beeaus Maclaynis educatioun was cevile, and
brocht up in the gude lawis and manors of Scotland from liis yowth, it may be, that he lies had double
confuloratioun, ane be kynd, and another be art of lioneft deliberatioun. To conclude, to Kintyre be
came, aceumpaneit with 45 men of iiis kynnisfolk, and ftowt lervands, in the moneth of Julii 1586;
whare at the firll arryvall thay war maid welcome, with all humanitie, and war fumptuoflie bancattit
all that day. Bot Angus in that meynie tyme had premoneill all his freynds and weilwillers within
his He of Kintyre, to be at his hous that Tame nyclit, at nyne of the clock, and nather to cum foner
uor laitter ; for he had concludit with hinilelf to kill thayme all, the verie firll nycht of thair arryvall ;
fearing, that geve he limld delay any langar tyme, it mycht be, that ather he lould alter his malicious
intentioun, or els that Maclayne wald lend for fum greater forces of men for his awin defence. Thus
be concelit his intent flill, till bayth he fand the tyme commodious, and the verie place proper ; and
Maclayne, being logeit with all his men within a lang hous, that was lumthing diltant fra uther how-
ling, tuik to bed with him that nycht his nevoy, the pledge aforelpokin. Bot within ane hour thar-
efter, when Angus had aUemblit his men to tlie nomber of tua hundreth, he placit thayme all in or-
dor about the hous whare IMaclayne then lay. Tharefter he came him felf, and cailit at the dure upon
MaclajTie, offring to him his repollng drink, whilk was forgottin to he gevin to him before he went to
bed. Maclayne anl'uerit, that he delyrit na drink for that tyme. Althoght, fo be, faid the uther, it is
my will that thou ariyle and cum furtli to relliive it. Then began Maclayne to fufpect the falfet,
and fo anaife with his nevoy betuix his llioulders, thiidiing that geve prel'ent killing was intentit aganis
him, he fould fave him I'elf falang as he could, be the boy; and the boy perfaving his father with a
naiked fworde and a nomber of his men in lykmanner about, cryit with a lowd voyce, mearcie to his
uncle for Gods faik ; whilk was grantit, and immediately Maclayne was removit to a fecret chalmer
till the morrow. Then cryit Angus to the remanent that war within ; — laraony as wald have thair
awin lyvis to be faif, thay fould cum furtjj, tua onlie exceptit, whilk he nominal ; fa that obedience
was maid be all the reft, and thais tua onlie feyring the daynger, refufit to cum furth. Angus feing
that, commandit incontinent to put fjTe to the hous, whilk was immediatlie performit, and thus war
the tua men cruallie and unniearcefuUie brj'nt to the death. Thefe tua war verie nar kynnifmen to
Maclayne, and of the eldelT; of his clan, renownit bayth for counl'all and manheid. Tiie reft that war
preafoners, of the haill nomber aforetauld, war ilk ane beheadit the dayis following, ane for ilk day,
till the haill nomber was endit ; yea, and that in Macla)aiis awin fight, being conftraynit thareunto
with a dolorous adverfeifment, to prepare himfelf for the lyk tragicall end, howfone thay fould be all
killit. And when the day came that Maclayne fould have bene broclit furth, niiferablie to have maid
liis tragicall end, lyk unto the reft, it pleafit Angus to lowp upon Iiis horfe, and to cum furtii for joy
and contentatioun of mjnid, evin to fe and beliauld the tyrannicall fact with his awin eyis. Bot it
pleafit God, wha mearcifullie deilis with all man, and difappoyntis the decrees of the wicked, to dif-
apoynt his intent for that day alfo, for he was not fa fone on horfe, bot the horfe ftumblit, and Angus
fell of him and brak his leg, and fo was careit hayme.
The report of this falfet was careit to the Erie of Argyle, Lord Juftice Generall of Scotland, wha
immediatlie aflemblit bis freyndis, and thay thoght neceffar to compleyne to the King for revenge.
VOL. I. 2 F

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