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niunber of notorious "Witches ; with the tnie Examinations of the laid
Doctor and Witches, as they uttered them in the prefence of the Scottifti
King : Dilcouering how they pretended to bewitch and drowne his Majef-
tie in the fea, comming from Denmarke ; with fuch other wonderfull mat-
ters, as the like hath not bin heard at anie time.
Published according to the Scottish Copie.
Printed for "William ^Vriffht.'
To THE Reader,
The manifold untruths which are fpred abroad, concerning the deteftable actions and apprehenfion
of thofe Witclies, whereof tliis hiflorie following truely entreateth, hath caul'ed me to publilh the fame
in print ; and the rather, for that fundrie written coppies are lately difperfed therof, containing that
the faid Witches were firfl, difcovered by meanes of a poore pedler travelling to the towne of Trenent ;
and that by a wonderfull manner hee was in a moment convayed at midnight from Scotland to Bur-
deux in France, (being places of no fmall diftance,) into a merchantes fellar there ; and after beeing
fent from Burdeux into Scotland by certaine Scottilh mercliants to the Kings Majeflie, that he dii-
covered thole Witches, and was the caufe of their apprehenfion ; with a number of matters miraculous
and incredible ; all which in truth are moll falfe. Neverthelefs, to fatisfie a number of honefl mindes,
who are defirous to be informed of the veritie and truth of their confeffions, which for certaintie is
more ftraunger than the common reporte runneth, and yet with more trath, I have undertaken to pub-
lilh this iliort Treatife, which declareth the tnie difcourfe of all that happened, and as well what was
pretended by thofe wicked and deteftable Witches againft the Kingis Majeftie, as alfo by what means
they wrought the fame.
All which examinations (gentle Reader) I have here truly publillied, as they were taken and uttered
in the prefence of the Kings Majeftie, praying thee to accept of it for veritie ; the fame being fo true
as cannot be reproved.
A True Discourse
Of the apprehenfion of fiindrie Witches lately taken in Scotland ; whereof
fome are executed, and fome are yet imprifoned. ^^'^ith a jjarticular re-
citall of their examinations, taken in the prefence of the Kings Majeflie.
God, bj^ his omnipotent power, hath at all times, and daily dooth take fuch
care, and is fo vigilant for the weale and prefervation of his owne, that thereby he
difappointeth the wicked practices and evill intentes of all fuch as by any meanes
whatfoever feeke indirectly to confpire any thing contrary to his holy will : Yea,
and by the fame jiower he hath lately overthrowne and hindered the intentions
and wicked dealings of a great number of ungodly creatures, no better than
Devils ; M'ho, fuffering themfelves to be allured and enticed by the Devil whom
they ferved, and unto whom they were privately fworne, entered into the deteft-
able art of "Witchcraft, which they ftudied and practifed lb long time, that in the
' There appears to have been another edition of this remarkable Tract, in all respects the same with
the Roxburghe reprint. At least, in the Gent. iNIag. vol. xlix, p. 393, it is reprinted, but bears at the
foot of the title-page, ' At London, printed for Thomas Nelson.' Nelson was probably joint proprietor
with Wright, each party affixing his name to the copies sold by him.

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